Asia’s retail sales taking the lead

By: trademagazin Date: 2010. 12. 14. 12:16

According to a recent study; the consumption of the population, will accelerate in such an extent after the crisis, that within four years the annual retail sales of Asia may exceed the retail sales of United States and Europe together.

According to the analysis of PricewaterhouseCoopers; The region's 2014 retail traffic may be three times bigger than Europe’s.

Retail sales in Asia this year will reach the 5400 billion USD, which is twice of the 2,520 billion USD of Europe and and much higher than 3,830 billion USD of North America.

In 2014, it is expected that these figures will increase to 8570 billion USD in Asia, 4530 billion USD in North America and 2740 billion USD in Europe – reports Világgazdaság Online, after AFP.

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