The cherry consumption promotion campaign has started

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 18. 11:32

While last year it was later than expected, this year the cherry season started earlier than usual due to the weather conditions. For this reason, the Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) campaign to encourage consumption of cherries starts earlier, which was launched jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture and the FruitVeB Vegetable and Fruit Trade Organization and Product Council.

Summer is not only the season for vacations, but also the season for seasonal fruits. One of the most popular and, moreover, really cooling summer fruits is the cherry, which is already available in large quantities in markets and stores.The Agricultural Marketing Center organized a campaign to promote the refreshing delicacy rich in numerous vitamins and minerals.

At the press conference announcing the event, Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development at the Ministry of Agriculture, said: Hungary is the second largest cherry producer in Europe and also the continent’s leading exporter. Nearly 75 percent of the total crop is sold in processed form on Western European markets, mainly in Germany.Our country is fully self-sufficient in this valuable seasonal fruit, and consumers can choose from the high-quality Hungarian cherry varieties on store shelves. Although cherry consumption by the population has increased in the recent period, there is still work to be done in this area, he added.

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