A single bunch of grapes sold for 1.3 million yens

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 07. 21. 11:02

A bunch of red grapes sold at a record price of almost 4 million HUF in Japan at the first auction of the season – portfolio.hu wrote.
A record price was already paid last year for a bunch of a variety famous for its juicy, high sugar content, but at this year’s first auction it fell to 1.3 million yen (about 4 million forints).

For this year, the Hjakurakuso company, which owns three traditional Japanese inns in the prefecture, paid the record price for a bunch of grapes bred in the Isikava prefecture. On behalf of the buyer, a wholesaler again bid in the Kanazava wholesale market. Szakamoto Micutaka, the company’s head chef, justified the huge purchase price on the grounds that they wanted to encourage Japanese farmers. (portfolio.hu)

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