Lifesaving food, drinks and lifestyle recommendations
All over Europe we can see the expansion of health conscious behaviour, sports centres are more and more popular, exercise and healthy food are trendy, which is great news from illness prevention’s point of view. Csaba Németh, managing director of Norbi Update International Kft. told our magazine that Norbi Update is much more than just a plain store chain.
People go to these shops because they are interested in how products work and how they can live a healthy life. Their customers are satisfied and loyal because they have experienced that Norbi Update products are tasty and help them to lose weight. The Update system is not only a weight loss diet but a new complex category, a lifestyle brand. Currently they are selling 200-300 products but the goal is to offer an assortment of 400 goods. Innovation directions include children’s products and a closer cooperation with the Horeca sector, e.g. cooperation with Gundel restaurant has already started and talks are under way with METRO. Olympos also cares about health conscious consumers – all of their lemon juices contain vitamin C. Plussz products are also distributed by Maspex Olympos Kft. and these sell best in the autumn-winter period, when people pay more attention to taking enough vitamin. Brand manager Vilmos Várkonyi is convinced that low carbohydrate intake is very important: Apenta Duo and Olympos Light drinks both meet this requirement. The latter is made without added sugar and can be consumed by people with diabetes, while the former is made from natural mineral water and offers unique flavour combinations such as lemon-ginger, peach-pear and pineapple-grapefruit without added sugar. 2012 brings a new Apenta Duo variety, apple-cranberry. Kubu Waterrr is made from crystal clear mountain spring water, to which a drop of fruit juice is added and only natural ingredients are used. It is available in strawberry, lemon and apple version in 0.5-litre sports cap bottles. Another Maspex Olympos product is Inka cereal coffee, which is made from 100-percent natural ingredients and contains no caffeine. Béres Pharmaceuticals keeps monitoring consumer demand and researching new agents, in order to create new products such as Béres Healthpack Cholesterol Control and Actival Stearine: these products contain vegetable stearine, from which 1.5-2.4g a day reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Company president Dr József Béres told that for Béres health is a national value; if we preserve our health both society and nation can be happy and successful. Canderel offers the experience of sweets (chocolate bars, wafers, cocoa powder, cappuccino, sweetening tablets and powder) combined with a feeling of wellness and health. According to Borbála Karsai, brand manager with DunaSweet Wellness Kft., because of its special recipe Canderel tastes just as good as sugar and has no aftertaste. One Canderel tablet equals the sweetening effect of 5g sugar. A new product, Canderel Green is made with natural sweetener stevia (used in Paraguay for centuries and in Japan for more than 30 years) and targets those conscious buyers who pay attention to their calorie intake and prefer natural products. It is available in both tablet and powder form and can be consumed by people with diabetes. Olga Pavlova, managing director of Detki Biscuit Kft. opines that a healthy diet is in close connection with the level of economic development. Detki’s most important product is Household biscuit, a Hungarian specialty that does not exist abroad but is a basic food product in Hungary. Sugar Stop is a Detki biscuit without added sugar and low carbohydrate content; they also produce two types of diabetic biscuit. Detki is aware of the fact that biscuit is generally not considered a healthy category, but with the right selection of ingredients it can fit into a healthy diet if consumed moderately. Detki’s latest product is Oat Dream, while their Inubiscuit product contains inulin. We learned from Éva Gereczné Rudnai, Mona Hungary Kft.’s marketing manager that some consumers are looking for a good price-value ratio even more since the economic recession started, and try to take care of their families by purchasing healthy products. A significant part of Hungary’s population is affected by lactose sensitivity and Mona Hungary offers these consumers a growing and innovative portfolio. Pre- and probiotics have a beneficial effect on digestion and the immune system – the ProX probiotic yoghurt line serves this demand. Good Milk products include yoghurt drinks with cereals and plain yoghurt drinks in 500g and 6x125g versions. The Montice product family includes every fundamental dairy product, ESL milk, yoghurt, Trappist cheese, 82-percent butter and curd; the latest innovation is Montice butter with 40-percent fat content. Fasten products are delicious and perfect for those who intend to take in fewer calories. Zoltán Gazsi, managing director of eisberg Hungary Kft. informed us that their product section keeps growing. Their salads and salad mixes are a cornerstone of a healthy diet and consumers share this view, because they find eisberg products fresh and tasty, thanks to fresh base materials, Swiss standards in quality assurance and modern processing machinery. Experts agree that no healthy lifestyle can be led without physical exercise. Unfortunately, some people do not have the time or are not in the right physical condition to do sports. For them the network of LOOK YOUR BEST fitness studios is the perfect solution: they offer 15-minute personal training sessions, using the EMS (electronic muscle stimulation) method, with the help of which 1-2 training sessions a week are enough to achieve great results.
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