A Hungarian company can enter the international market with food raw material testing development

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 02. 07. 10:47

Novo-Lab Kft. can enter the international market with its own food raw material testing equipment, after receiving almost 794 million forints in support for the development of the device, the company told MTI.

The University of Pannonia is also participating in the project of the laboratory instrument company, which will last until the end of 2027. Food industry facilities, raw material and auxiliary material manufacturers can currently only rely on expensive methods that require serious expertise, therefore, there is a need for equipment that is suitable for automated testing of the main food raw materials and auxiliary materials in laboratory, industrial and restaurant conditions, as well as for composition and quality determination – they justified the development. They called the detection of critical allergens particularly important, as this would significantly increase the competitiveness of food industry products. They added that modern quality control would also help in the sale of Hungarian agricultural products.

According to the statement, the demand for products that can be mass-produced, yet cost-effectively and of excellent quality is increasing worldwide, so the analytical device of the Hungarian developers could face significant market opportunities. It could be applied at all levels of the food chain, both in production and consumption, and could be used by agricultural and food industry facilities, official laboratories, commercial networks, or even farmers’ markets and restaurants – they wrote.

According to information on the website of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (KFIH), the SME Focus Area Innovation Program supporting the project was launched in May 2024 with a budget of 50 billion forints. The total cost of the development is more than 1.061 billion forints.

According to its latest report, Novo-Lab closed with sales of almost 1.462 billion forints in 2022 and 2.617 billion forints in 2023, and its profit increased from 66.4 million forints to 342.2 million forints during that time.

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