A food subsidy program after the price cap? This proposal was also raised

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 03. 16. 09:45

Two politicians from the Jobbik-Conservatives demanded the end of the price cap system and the launch of a national food subsidy program to help people buy healthy, preferably domestic, products at their press conference in Budapest on Thursday.

Márton Gyöngyösi, the president of the party and a member of the European Parliament, spoke about the fact that the system of price caps is especially harmful, because it further increases inflation, causes a shortage of goods, and the costs of the system are passed on to the traders. He added that the price caps are unfair because, in addition to the needy, they also support the purchases of the richest.

It has become clearer than ever today that the government has nothing to do with the runaway inflation – said the opposition politician, stressing that the permanent double-digit monetary deterioration is particularly felt in food; some products have become more expensive by 40 percent, others cost twice as much as a year ago.

Dániel Z. Kárpát, Jobbik’s vice-president and member of parliament, spoke about the philosophical difference between the government and his party, as the former are using the HUF 1,500 billion extra income of the budget for “other, obscure” purposes, while Jobbik would use the lion’s share of this amount to help families .

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