The Hungarian government, Yettel Magyarország Zrt. and CETIN Hungary Zrt. have concluded a cooperation agreement.

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 05. 01. 11:02

Cooperation for the development of digitalization in Hungary was confirmed in a joint statement by the government, Yettel Magyarország Zrt. and the telecommunications infrastructure provider CETIN Hungary Zrt. According to the agreement, the companies will invest at least HUF 72 billion in mobile network development between 2024-2028.

In the document signed by Minister of National Economy Márton Nagy on behalf of the government, the parties agreed on network development, cyber security and innovation, as well as university cooperation, among other things.

Hungary’s priority goal is to strengthen the country’s competitiveness through the development of digitalization, an essential element of which is the construction of modern wireless networks that meet all requirements. In recent decades, domestic mobile networks have always been at the international forefront, so the goal of the next few years is for 5G networks to bring the benefits of mobility and high bandwidth to as wide a range as possible. In order for Hungary to be able to keep up with regional competitors, significant developments will be necessary in the coming years, and this requires the participation of Yettel and the telecommunications infrastructure provider CETIN.