Craftsman delivers sustainable vertical gardens to balconies in Toronto VIDEO

By: Gyarmati Orsolya Date: 2021. 04. 19. 08:10

The owner of Made by Mikey, actor Michael Giel, is providing Torontonians with vertical gardens small enough to sit on condo balconies, which are also deep enough to grow any herb or edible flower you want.

The vertical gardens are 40 inches high, 26 inches wide and have three self-draining compartments that allow plants to root down to seven inches. Whilst they are not deep enough to accommodate taproot systems such as tomato plants, they provide plenty of room for oregano, arugula, chives and most peppers to sprout.

Over one summer, Giel and his partner were able to make 22 jars of pesto with their homegrown basil.