Health drops – Vegetable
The conduct and interpretation of many of these tests for secondary or severe hypertension, and the treatment of severe or drug resistant hypertension, is complex, and is best undertaken by physicians specializing in these conditions. The Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at Georgetown University Medical Center has a number of full time staff physicians with expertise in hypertension diagnosis and management, and experienced radiologists and surgeons who can undertake the interventions if they are required.
The majority of patients with high blood pressure presently require lifelong therapy with lifestyle modification and medication. The first step is always to reduce dietary salt intake, improve exercise and correct obesity or under activity. Salt intake must be assessed from a 24 hour urine collection for salt because 3/4 of the salt that we eat is already added to the food before it reaches the table. Therefore, merely avoiding additional salt, or the most obviously salty foods, is often not successful in achieving an adequate reduction in dietary salt intake
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