Price increase at Magyar Posta: this is how much the most common postal services will cost in 2025

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 12. 13. 10:36

Magyar Posta’s goal remains to provide its services efficiently and in accordance with 21st century customer expectations, ensuring quality and customer-centric service required by law in every part of the country. At the same time, the fees for several postal services will increase from January 1, 2025, as detailed in the company’s latest announcement.

Changes to the most common letter sending fees

The new fees for the weight categories most frequently used by the public, under 50 grams, will be as follows:

Domestic priority letter: will increase by HUF 25 from HUF 365 to HUF 390.

Domestic non-priority letter: will cost HUF 15 more, so it will be HUF 270 instead of HUF 255.
Recommended additional service (in case of paper-based mailing): will be changed by HUF 70.
Additional service with receipt: will increase by HUF 120.
Fees for items sent with electronic data

With the rise of digitalization, the tariffs for mail items sent with electronic data are also changing:

Registered mail item: will be 725 HUF instead of 660 HUF.
Letter item with return receipt: will increase from 480 HUF to 590 HUF.
More than 400 million letters per year

According to the Hungarian Post, they handle more than 400 million letters per year, the vast majority of which – more than 90% – are sent by business partners. In contrast, the mail turnover of the population is low: an individual sends an average of 1-2 letters per year.