The best corporate ESG solutions of the year were awarded

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 10. 06. 12:23

Even more than before, more people applied for this year’s renewed Effekt 2030 award, which companies operating on the domestic market could win with exemplary ESG solutions. IKEA, Procter & Gamble won the prize in the strong field, based on the decision of the professional jury, while Kulcs-Soft and Bio-Fungi received special SME awards. This year’s audience award was won by Lidl. The winners received their awards at the Effekteam’s annual professional conference held on October 5.

In parallel with the growing importance of sustainability and changes in regulatory frameworks, domestic companies must also pay more and more attention to the environmental and social effects of their activities, as well as to how they can transform and present their operations in accordance with ESG aspects. The aim of the renewed Effekt 2030 – ESG solutions award is to recognize and make known as widely as possible the effective environmental, social and management solutions used by companies, thereby promoting the further development of the ESG-focused approach of companies and enterprises.

This year’s award could be entered in three categories: in the Green Balance category, applicants could compete with programs related to the environment, in the Everyone’s Society category with social initiatives, and in the Value-Creating Business category with modern corporate management solutions. The applications received were evaluated by a five-member professional jury. Áron Horváth, head of sustainability at CBRE Hungary, Réka Matolay PhD, associate professor at Budapest Corvinus University, Éda Pogány, regional sustainability and communication manager at Syngenta, Krisztina Schubauer, board member of Effekteam, EXIM human resources, marketing participated in the work of the panel and communications executive director, as well as Gyula Szabó, green lifestyle consultant and sustainability expert of the Ökoszolgálat Alapítvány. The jury decided on the winners and the shortlisted candidates on the basis of uniform evaluation criteria, for which the general public could also vote and choose this year’s audience award program.

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