Czerván : annual 4.7 million euros support to the Hungarian apiaries

By: trademagazin Date: 2013. 11. 15. 12:09

The Hungarian apiaries will receive an annual funding of 4.7 million euros with the 50-50 percent withholding provision of the European Union and the Hungarian government – Czerván György, Minister of State for the Rural Development, Ministry (VM ), responsible for agri-management told on Sunday in Gödöllő, at the Eighth Meeting of the World’s Beekeepers.

mezHe added that this amount is 15 percent more than in the previous cycle per year. He pointed out, that it is a fundamental objective to gradually increase the competitiveness and efficiency of apiary, so the Ministry puts a special focus on the sector. He pointed out that the VM in September this year has signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Hungarian National Beekeeping Association. (MTI)

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