Ethanol is produced instead of sugar by Brazilians

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2018. 08. 21. 11:00

With increasing transport needs, more and more fuel is needed in Brazil, mostly produced in sugar cane plants – wrote. Maize – as an ethanol base – is a bit unappreciated and cellulose-based ethanol production is also less effective. However, under the Paris Climate Convention, Brazil also had to make commitments.

In Brazil, sugar cane crops bring the most income to the farmers. Of this industrial processing either snow white sucrose sugars or bioethanol is prepared, which is a 27 percent component of gazolin fuel. According to the USDA report, this year Brazil will produce 30.755 billion liters of bioethanol, of which 27.8 billion liters will be used for the increasing transport needs. (