Herz invited tenders for design of packaging

By: trademagazin Date: 2008. 10. 02. 00:00

Szilvia Hunyadvári had figure on the new, festal wrapping of 120 years old Wintersalami of the Herz Salami factory.


The company – – on 120 years old
anniversary of his foundation – – invited tenders, with address „
Traditions are in a new gown ”. The goal in the inviting
applications was to repackiging the famous Wintersalami into a new,
festy wrapping. 

Success of launching went beyond
expectations, despite the strict rules governing the competition, a
countless of application arrived from the national resident and over
the fronters.

At judgment of the entries the jury
took professional and artistic viewpoints alike into consideration,
chairman of the jurey was the artist Marcell Jankovics.

Marcell Jankovics with the
vanquishing application, Marianna Pálfy Némethné
generative director, Anita László , domestic-trade and
marketing manager , Endre Nagy director-general

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