CornMill Hungary Kft. developed its packaging technology in Kunmadaras

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 04. 26. 11:36

t developed its packaging technology at the Kunmadaras location of CornMill Hungary Kft., which deals with corn processing and the wholesale trade of agricultural products, Operatív Program Kft., which handles the project’s communication, said in a statement to MTI on Friday.

The company won a conditionally non-refundable European Union grant of more than HUF 125 million for the investment of almost HUF 179 million in the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Program Plusz (GINOP Plusz) tender, they announced.

In recent years, the more than thirty-year-old company has received more and more requests for the packaging and bagging of goods brought in by an external company. The packaging can apply to any grain or piece product – not only agricultural produce – that can be transported and sold in bag packaging, such as wood pellets, fertilizer or plastic granules – they listed.