The consumption of foreigners visiting Hungary reduced
In the first half of the year 17.6 million foreign visitors arrived to Hungary, about 4 percent more, compared to the same period of 2010, their consumption was 523 billion forints (1,944 million euros), that is 1 percent less than in the first half of the last year – told the Central Statistics Office (KSH) to MTI on Thursday.
The foreigners spent 4 percent more days in Hungary in the first half of the year, a total of 42 million days. More than two thirds of their spendings 360 billion forints were related to tourism consumption.
At the same time the Hungarians traveling abroad spent 227 billion forints, 2.1 percent less than in the first half of 2010. The passenger traffic balance at the end of the period was 295 billion forints, which is almost identical, compared to the same period lof ast year – reports MTI.
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