Profit decrease at Danubius Hotels
In the first half of 2008 total net sales revenues decreased on HUF base by 5% to HUF 14.68 billion, on euró base bí 6% to 58.64 million euros.
Total sales revenue and other operating
income of Q2 2008 decreased by 7% to HUF 8,263 million, in line with
the 5% drop of H1 sales revenue, mainly due to the lower revenue from
room services and Gundel restaurants and H1 2007 figures include the
one off gain of selling Hotel Esztergom (HUF 286 million) and Lövér
Sportcentre (HUF 208 million), the effect of the latter transaction
is included in Q2 2007. Hotel occupancy in Q2 2008 was 67.6% compared
to 68.3% in Q2 2007, while H1 occupancy was 50.3% in 2008 and 50.5%
in 2007.
Room revenue of Hungarian hotels
decreased by 5% to HUF 4.3 billion compared to Q2 2007 due to the
combined result of occupancy decrease and the decrease of average
room rate achieved (ARR) to HUF 13,129 lower by HUF 473 than
comparative figure. The average length of stay was 2,8 days in Q2
2008 almost the same as it was in Q2 2007. The number of guest-nights
during Q2 2008 decreased to 530,784 from 538,965, out of which
domestic guest-nights represents 23.8%, a considerable increase
compared to Q2 2007 level of 19.1%.
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