We spend an average of HUF 105,000 per person on domestic travel

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 02. 07. 10:19

60 percent of Hungarians of economically active age have been able to travel domestically or abroad at least once in the past two years, the Aldi Travel platform announced on Friday to MTI based on a nationally representative survey commissioned by it.

According to the survey conducted by NRC Marketing Research and Consulting Ltd., tourists will spend an average of 105,000 forints per person on domestic trips at the end of 2024, and 250,000 forints per person on foreign trips.

According to the statement, 28 percent of those surveyed travel only domestically, 28 percent travel both domestically and abroad, while 4 percent have only been abroad. The vast majority of domestic travelers spend a maximum of four nights, and only 8 percent are those who choose to travel to Hungary for more than a week. However, 37 percent of those traveling abroad plan to stay longer than a week. Most people travel in the summer: 40 percent of domestic travelers travel only during this period, while the rate is 25 percent for those traveling abroad.

Among domestic travel destinations, the Balaton and Mátra-Bükk regions lead, within Europe, Italy and Greece, while outside the continent, the Maldives.

According to the survey, wellness and seaside holidays are clearly the most popular travel purposes at home, and seaside holidays and city visits are the most popular travel purposes for foreign trips. Rural tourism and health-preserving trips are also common at home.

For trips both domestically and abroad, the car is the most popular means of travel. For trips abroad, flying is the second most common choice, with every tenth person surveyed stating that they travel abroad by plane at least once a year.

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