Cigarette and alcohol smugglers were busted in Zala

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 04. 03. 08:24

In just a few hours, two cigarette smugglers were caught by the tax inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) in Zala, and a large amount of alcohol was also found in one of the cars – the press representative of the NAV’s Operations Directorate informed MTI on Wednesday.

According to Juhászné Prantner Etelka’s statement, the first thing they checked was the driver of a Bulgarian truck, in whose vehicle two children were also traveling. At the parents’ request, the driver took the young people to France on a friendly basis.

During the search of the vehicle, the spare wheels found in the passenger compartment contained 800 packs of cigarettes without Hungarian license plates, and 50 bottles of alcohol in the luggage. The 37-year-old driver admitted that he hid the illegal goods. A few hours later, a 45-year-old woman, who was also on her way to France with her two sons, fell.