He annoys the majority of people, but the profession’s online communication would be more boring without the infamous Cheflaszlo. A communication war is waging in the world of Hungarian cuisine and gastronomy and László Szűcs (38) is opinionated about everything.
He respects some representatives of the profession, but otherwise he shoots at anything that moves without hesitation. His style is rather rough, but like some kind of Robin Hood he often protects those who have been attacked. Where will he find his place on the Internet? “I am not mad! I am a nice guy who does not drink and lives healthy, but I am a primitive man, a cook. There are people I respect, for instance Uncle Laci Benke never hurt anyone. I became a cook and my sister became a confectioner, so my father thought we should work for the family. We opened Fekete Híd inn, but later I went to work abroad for 11 years. There are things I cannot accept. I am not part of consumer society, bills make me freak out. I only spend on the most necessary things. I do not know, when I will you calm down. Injustice will always exist. Soon I will open a restaurant in Budapest, specialising in fish and grilled food. I am independent, unpaid critique. I shed light on things from a different perspective.”
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