Market News

Nébih: gamay rosés meet the food safety standards

All of the dry gamay rosés, complied with food safety and nutrition criterias of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). Experts found only marking inaccuracies – the office told...

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KSH: surplus in May was 959 million euros

Following the swing in April, exports and imports again reached double-digit growth in May. The value of exports in euros was 19.7, and imports were 18.7 percent higher than in...

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Bisnode: The number of newly established companies has increased slightly

The number of newly founded companies in Hungary rose by a minimum of 147 in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year –...

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What do you fear most when shopping online?

What happens to our data, can we safely use the credit card payment, how long can we return the product – these are the most common issues in one of...

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African swine fever has appeared in Romania near the Hungarian border

African swine fever has been reported in Romania. The infectious disease was discovered by the authorities near Szatmárnémeti near the Hungarian-Romanian border in a backyard farm, the Romanian Veterinary and...

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The European Commission launches a school program for healthy nutrition

The European Commission launches a new EU School Fruits, School Vegetables and School Milk Scheme on 1 August. The program aims to promote and widespread healthy nutrition and to support...

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Inflation stagnated in the euro area in July

As expected, annual inflation stagnated in July in the euro area. According to preliminary data released by the European Union’s Statistical Office (Eurostat) on Monday, in July, according to preliminary...

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Safe, unique and sustainable – already during production

DS Smith Packaging Hungary is present in the Hungarian packaging market with a wide range of shelf-ready and industrial packaging solutions and display bases. The company believes that it is important...

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GKI: Budgetary advance payment of EU transfers increased sharply

n Hungary, the faster than expected GDP growth in the first quarter of 2017 was followed by a slight slowdown in April and a pick-up in May. GDP growth is...

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HNT: The new regulation of wine grape sales aims to stabilize the income level of vine-growers

One of the aims of the new regulation of grape sales is to stabilize the income level of vine-growers – the secretary general of the National Council of Hunters (HNT)...

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Grain growers: the harvest of autumn wheat has been completed

The harvest of winter wheat in the country was completed according to the plans – the chairman of the National Association of Grain-Growers (GOSZ) told MTI on Monday. Vancsura József...

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FM: Hungary is committed to protect GMO-free agriculture

Gyuricza Csaba, Director-General of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center (NAIK), in his speech at the China-Europe Soya Symposium in Beijing told that Hungary is committed to protect GMO-free...

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GKI: the balance is worsening slightly, the inflation is accelerating this year

According to the analysis of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. (GKI Economic Research Co.), external and internal balance slightly deteriorates this year, inflation is accelerating, but these processes are acceptable in...

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NGM: the government grants a total of 3.24 billion HUF to food automation

A total of 3.24 billion forints subsidies are granted under the NGM’s Decree on the promotion of food automation and food and beverage vending machines. According to the NGM Decree...

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MLSZKSZ: Hungary can be the distribution base of the Chinese container freight

After many years of waiting, the Chinese-Hungarian container freight traffic has started in the last months organized by three Hungarian companies. So far almost 40 trains and about 1,400 containers...

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Beer and more: the MSSZ is looking for Hungary’s best savoury snacks

Within the appliction of Beer and more, the Hungarian Brewers Association (MSSZ) is looking for Hungary’s best savoury snacks in three categories: wheat, lager, semi-brown / brown. The entries received...

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Retail sales in Germany increased less than expected

Retail sales in Germany increased less than expected in June, in an annual comparision, but on a monthly basis, the growth was strong. According to preliminary data released by the...

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The unemployment rate of the euro area is down

The number of unemployed and the unemployment rate fell to its eight year nadir in June in the euro area, which shows that Europe’s economic recovery is intensifying further. The...

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Sága Foods to spend 600 million forints on development this year

Sárvár-seated company Sága Foods Zrt. plans to spend HUF 600 million on development this year, mainly investing in the modernisation of packaging and ham production. The objectives are to make...

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Farm development programmes are coming

Funding opportunities in this year’s Farm Development Programme have been announced in June. The programme’s budget is HUF 225 million and the details are available to prospective applicants on the...

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Discussions to start between vine-growers and the ministry on purchasing prices and contracts

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the Hungarian Association of Grape and Wine Producers (MSZBSZ) to start discussion on grape purchasing prices and contracts – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Garantiqa: the small businesses would be develop from EU sources

In the next year, nearly a quarter of the Hungarian micro-enterprises and 41 percent of the small businesses plan to apply for EU funds – according to a surveys of...

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Increased road traffic controls to start from Monday

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) is launching a series of inspections from Monday until September 20, within a nationwide action in which the finance guards will observe the...

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One can pay with the old 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes until Monday

One can pay with the old 2000 and 5000 HUF banknotes until Monday, because at the end of July the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) withdraws them from circulation, from...

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Kiwi is cultivated with large-scale methods in Zala successfully

Kiwi is cultivated with large-scale methods and good business results in Becsehely, Zala County successfully. From the four-hectare orchard, which is the largest kiwi plantation in Hungary, kiwis are delivered...

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More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala

More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala county, the average yield is 15-20 percent lower than in the previous year, the county president of the National...

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Household incomes grew in the EU, but their consumption decreased

The consumption of households in the European Union declined in the first quarter, despite the fact that their income slowed down but increased – Eurostat figures show. The EU’s statistical...

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Consumer sentiment is on its eight month nadir in the United States

The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment for the United States was revised up to 93.4 from a preliminary of 93.1 in July of 2017 and compared to 95.1 in June....

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FruitVeb: One third of the expected apple crop will have eating quality

In terms of the quality of the expected apple harvest, one third will have eating quality, and two thirds will be industrial raw material – Domján Erika, managing director of...

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The Ministry of Agriculture helps to ensure consistency between producers and processors

The aim of the agricultural government is to help establish and maintain the harmony between growers and processors in all sectors, including grapes and wine as well, to establish a...

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