Market News

More than half of the 100 largest companies are US-owned

More than half of the 100 largest companies, 54 percent are still in US ownership, and represent 61 percent of aggregate market capitalization. The companies of China are on the...

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The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement was given a green light

The Council of EU Member States approved the signing of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan on Friday. The signing is expected to take place on...

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Vodka-mixed chocolate cottage cheese and pepper cream – You would drink it

After a few years break, the Finnish vodka champions visited Hungary again. Markku Raittinen and Pekka Pellinen are traveling from country to country as the ambassadors of Finnish vodka. Markku...

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Soy bean production of the world can exceed 350 million tons next year

This year’s production decline from this oily seed may be temporary. If Argentina shakes up and Brazil continues to grow as it did this year, next year we will have...

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Fipronil eggs were found again in the Netherlands

Fipronil was detected in pesticides in the Netherlands at an organic farm. Farmers apparently did not learn fom the case last year – wrote. The scandal first exploded in...

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Magazine: Technology has had an impact on the category’s composition

Terézia Balog, brand manager of Unilever Magyarország Kft. informed our magazine that there are still fewer dishwashers in Hungarian households than the European average, but sales keep growing. Thanks to this the...

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Raiffeisen expects growth above four percent

Raiffeisen analysts have increased their GDP expectations from the previous 3.8 percent to 4.2 percent, and economic growth is expected to be 3.4 percent next year – Török Zoltán, senior...

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Hungarian chicken breeding is competitive

While Hungarian production is competitive in terms of chicken meat, it cannot be said for turkey meat. The Poles are coming up with awesome speed. Our Eastern neighbor, Ukraine, has...

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A procedure was initiated against 71 market outlets following the examination of Nébih

A lawsuit was initiated against 71 vendors after the Nébih investigated fruit and vegetable sales in 14 markets in Budapest. According to information published on the website of National Food...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased by 1.2 percent in April

Agricultural producer prices increased by 1.2 percent in April, compared to a year before. This is due to the 3.1 percent increase in the price of vegetable products and a...

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Magazine: Durum products are the engine of sales

Not only ingredient prices have increased in the pasta market recently, but also packaging, energy and workforce costs – these trends entailed an increase in product prices. Norbert Káhn, sales...

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Nielsen: Half of the Hungarian women are football fans

Football is the king of sports: According to a global survey by Nielsen Sports, 43 percent of respondents are interested in it, representing 131 million football fans in the largest...

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Baking alliances have agreed

The members of the Hungarian, Slovak, Polish, Czech and Romanian bakeries have signed an agreement of cooperation at the Eastern and Central European Regional Baking Summit – wrote. According...

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We could have twice as many cattle if we could graze it

In 20 years, the herds of cattle grew eightfold in Hungary, thanks to the long-standing favorable market situation and the significant targeted subsidies – Wagenhoffer Zsombor, Managing Director of the...

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Roger Federer is the world’s most expensive sports brand

Ever since social media has become an extremely important platform for ads, large companies pay huge amounts of money to those athletes who can reach as many people as possible....

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Hungary can become an important player in the world market for kosher food

Hungary can become an important player in the valuable kosher food market of the world – Magyar Levente, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told MTI...

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eNet-Telekom: 17 percent of young people regularly teach older people how to use the Internet

17 percent of the younger than 40 years olds regularly and 59 percent occasionally teach their older family members how to use the Internet and digital devices – according to...

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Wheat and corn prices grew by 10 percent

The prices of wheat and corn both increased by 10 percent, compared to a year before and although global crops are declining this year, further significant world market price increase...

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Product council: the quality and quantity of the Érd cherry deteriorated due to weather conditions

Due to the weather, the quality and quantity of the Érd cherry declined – according to the FruitVeB Vegetables and Fruit Producing Interprofessional Organization and Product Board. In its report...

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Six and a half billion HUF are spent on toys this summer

Hungarian families spend more on toys and games this summer. The average basket value is rising with 10 percent – according to the survey of the latest Regio Játék. Compared...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 7.2 percent in May

According to the raw data, the volume of retail stores’ turnover was 7.2 percent higher, while calendar effect adjusted was 7.8 percent higher, compared to the same period of the...

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KSH foreign trade surplus was 517 million euros in April

In April, the volume of exports increased by 11.7 and its imports grew by 16.2 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, while the foreign trade surplus...

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A further 21 billion HUF was decided in the Rural Development Program

Within the Rural Development Program, decision was born about the support 634 applications in a value of more than 21 billion forints in June – Kis Miklós, Minister of State...

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(HU) Erősödik a cukorkák piaca

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Insects can be the new protein source

Next year, it is expected that the use of insect protein in poultry feed in the EU is likely to be a major explosion in the segment – wrote....

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Magazine: Some don’t like it hot

Sole-Mizo Zrt. put the Mizo Coffee Selection product range on the Hungarian market in April 2017, and it became the market leader in just a few months. Nielsen data shows that...

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The Ministry of Agriculture extends the summer food chain control

The summer control that covers all branches of the food chain is expanding with new target areas, so from now, until 20 August, more products, events and sales venues are...

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Global wheat crops may decline

The unexpected April heat stress can affect yields negatively in Scandinavian countries in the northern areas of Germany, in Poland and in the Baltic States. According to the experts of...

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Wages grew at the fastest pace in Hungary among the four Visegrád countries

In the group of the Visegrád four, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland, Wages grew at the fastest pace in Hungary and the slowest in Poland – according to TASR,...

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In the first quarter, euro area and EU GDP growth slowed down

According to Eurostat’s statistical data released on Thursday, according to the preliminary data, economic growth in both the euro area and the EU slowed down as a result of the...

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