Market News

Magazine: Using the ideal tyres generates profit

Continental Hungaria Kft. has been an expert of road safety for more than 145 years. Now the company is taking this to an even higher level with the Vision Zero concept, the...

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MNB: rise in inflation is temporary

Inflation is only temporarily and exceeded 3 percent in June, due to external reasons – Várhegyi Judit, head of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) told M1 news channel on Wednesday....

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KSH: the number of cattle and pigs increased, the number of sheeps dropped

Over the past year, the number of cattle increased by 15,000, while pig stocks by 50,000, however, the number of sheep decreased by 14,000 and the number of hens by...

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Consumer loans over 250 billion in a month

The value of new consumer credit contracts of the households exceeded 250 billion forints in the first five months. It is more than one and a half times more than...

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Nagy István: Hungarian honey should be packed domestically

Hungarian honey intended for export has to be bottled in Hungary, because without packaging, foreign plants use it to repair low-quality honey from the Far East – Nagy István Minister...

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Nébih allowed a dairy plant to re-operate

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has allowed the operation of a dairy plant in Hajdú-Bihar County after the company replaced the technical and food hygienic deficiencies – the...

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UK: Lidl and Aldi continue to win ground over Big Four

Sales in British supermarkets have risen in the 12 weeks running up to 17 June by 2.1 percent, compared to the same period in 2017, reports Kantar Worldpanel. After a...

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A new national chief veterinarian’s decision came into effect to treat African swine fever

The restricted areas due to African swine fever (ASP) have changed and the rules of state compensation for the disposal of pigs have changed according to the new National Chief...

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Magazine: Technology boom predicted in the logistics market

One of logistics companies’ most important objectives is increasing their efficiency, and they try to achieve this goal by introducing automatic and semi-automatic systems in many areas. According to the...

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Inflation over three percent

Consumer prices were on average 3.1 percent higher in June than in the previous year and compared with May, increased by an average of 0.3 percent – the Central Statistical...

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We consume more conscientiously than 5 years ago

The change in the consumer habits of the domestic population points to a healthy and conscious lifestyle. As respondents say they consume more vegetables, fruits and domestic food than in...

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Nagy István: Hungarian wine is the flagship of agriculture

The Hungarian winemaking sector is the flagship of the Hungarian agriculture, which is receiving a record amount of subsidies – the Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday in Budapest at...

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Foreign trade surplus was 577 million euros in May

In May, the value of exports in euro was practically unchanged in annual terms, imports increased by 2.9 percent and foreign trade surplus decreased by 245 million euros to 577...

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A unique bottle is produced for the top quality wines of the Eger wine region

A unique bottle is produced for the top quality wines of the Eger wine region – the parliamentary representative of Eger and region informed MTI. The initiator Nyitrai Zsolt (Fidesz)...

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The Bread of the Hungarians program is eighth years old

The Bread of the Hungarians (Magyarok Kenyere) program is celebrating its eight anniversary this year. Within the the framework of the cooperation of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and...

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ZEW’s German and euro area investor sentiment index at a six-year nadir

In July, the German ZEW Economic Research Institute’s euro zone and Germany investor sentiment index dropped to a six-year low. In July, the investor sentiment index of Germany’s ZEW (Zentrum...

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(HU) A legrégebbi hazai gyorsfagyasztott márkát gyártó MIRELITE MIRSA köszöni, jól van

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The prince’s wedding was good for the British retailers

Prince Harry’s wedding in May was good for the British retail trade, whose turnover steeply jumped last month. According to the UK statistical office’s data published on Thursday, retail trade...

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Consultation in the pig sector

Although the price of domestic pork has declined, the process can not yet be associated with cases of African swine fever in wild boar flocks – the Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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Nébih: no contamination was caused by contaminated vegetables in Hungary

For now, it is not possible to estimate how many listeria bacteria contaminated quick-frozen vegetables have been recalled – Nagy Attila of Nébih told M1 news channel on Monday morning....

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The European Commission supports the BIOEAST initiative

The European Commission supports the BIOEAST initiative for agri-food research and innovation – the Ministry of Agriculture has informed. The ministry announced in a statement that Nagy István, Agriculture Minister...

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The National Chamber of Agriculture organizes an agricultural career orientation week

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organizes an agricultural career orientation week for primary school students. With the programs the NAK wants to promote farmer and livestock worker vocational trainings....

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The turnover of agricultural products with Vietnam is good

The foreign trade of agricultural products expanded dynamically in Asia in recent years – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Saturday, reporting about the visit of Minister Nagy István...

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Trade flow is becoming more and more significant on the Silk Road

The rail freight trade between China and Europe is growing at a remarkable pace: the network can no longer handle the load, although Beijing is investing huge amounts of money...

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‘Liquid snacks’ are conquering the market

Zoltán Matskási, operational marketing manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. told our magazine that the smoothie segment, even though it only realises 2 percent of sales in the fruit juice category,...

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Import UHT milks can disappear from the domestic stores

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) held a dairy consultation with the participation of milk producers, processors, retailers and retail chain of stores on 5 July 2018 in Budapest. The...

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AM: the construction of mushroom houses and cold stores is supported with 18 billion forints

About one hundred and eighty agricultural enterprises build or develop both mushroom houses and cold stores from 18 billion forints support. Both figures will continue to grow in the future...

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Nébih draws attention to the thorough heat treatment of frozen vegetables

The quick-frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables produced by Greenyard’s plant in Baja –that are contaminated with listeria bacteria – may be marketed in Hungary as well. Therefore, the National...

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Most of the Central European companies increase their Research and Development spendings

Most Central European companies increase R&D expenditures, but expect greater support from governments. For most businesses, identifying those Research and Development R&D activities is the biggest challenge of which grants...

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The service sector is continuously expanding in Hungary

The performance of services in Hungary has been expanding for years, and now it has four times the value of the industry in the entire economy – Csath Magdolna economist...

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