Market News

Europol: Counterfeit products pose a threat to public health

Counterfeit products sold on the World Wide Web for health purposes during the coronavirus epidemic pose a threat to society as a whole, according to a report by Europol, the...

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Euro area inflation fell to a five-month low in March

Inflation in the euro area fell to a five-month low in March, according to a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. In March, according to Eurostat’s final data,...

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Magazine: Butters and other dairy spreads

Sandwich never goes out of fashion, but it always changes what kind of dairy spread we put on the two slices of bread – decided by trends, diets and prices....

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Easter POS Display Review from Australia

The POPAI and Shop! * chapters are watching each other on all five continents. This time we got a summary of the festive instore marketing tools from Australia. Being a...

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GKI: Will there be growth in retail this year?

Between 2017 and 2019, retail sales increased by 20% in value and 13% in volume. Monthly growth was 7.6% in January 2020 and 11.3% in February, partly due to panic...

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Ten thousand boutiques found themselves in a difficult situation

The government should provide for the closure of commercial units that cannot be visited by customers in an emergency – this is what the Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ) wants...

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Age restrictions have also been introduced for markets in some rural settlements

Similar to government regulations on purchasing, several rural municipalities have introduced age restrictions on local markets. Protective masks are distributed in the settlements and general disinfection has begun. In Szolnok,...

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Mabisz: one can apply for agricultural insurance premium support until May 15

Farmers can apply for agricultural insurance premium support until 15 May, after which the amount of support for submitted applications will be reduced by 1 percent per working day until...

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This is how our digital lives can be transformed after the pandemic

As millions around the world have adapted to the confinement caused by the epidemic, it is becoming increasingly clear that our digital lives could fundamentally change if the coronary virus...

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Demand for chocolate is declining

By all expectations, far fewer cocoa was processed globally in the first quarter of the year as demand for chocolate in retail declined worldwide. This has also weakened cocoa market...

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Retail sales in the United States fell in March

Retail sales in the United States fell more than expected in March, according to a report by the Census Bureau of the Washington Department of Commerce. In March, instead of...

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Beer consumption in Romania barely increased last year

In Romania, beer consumption increased by just 0.4 percent to 16.8 million hectoliters last year – , wrote. Consumption per capita was 86 liters per year, 1 liter higher...

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(HU) Ki és mennyi kiskereskedelmi különadót fizet majd?

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Consumers after COVID-19

The extreme lockdown of today will be eased at some point. However, shoppers will be different. Fear, suspicion remain so all contactless solutions, self-service kiosk or cashless payment stay popular....

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RetailZoom: New time-zones changing shopping habits yet again…

Although the big-scale “stock-up syndrome” witnessed in the first three weeks of March seems to slow down in the Hungarian retail sector, a newly enacted legislation has yet again transformed...

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Buy and defend the domestically produced products! – the Hungarian Product launches a movement

The Hungarian Product Nonprofit Ltd. encourages the purchase of domestically produced products and the use of domestic services within its new campaign. Anyone can join the action, helping to overcome...

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Seasonal and local products are becoming more popular

While consumption of locally produced fruits and vegetables has increased in recent years, there is another trend that is growing a little quieter but nicely: the consumption of seasonal products,...

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Things we need to know to start a webshop

Last year, domestic online retailing grew by 16 percent and 3.3 million Hungarians purchased products online. As a result of the coronavirus epidemic, these numbers may increase even further, to...

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Fisheries are also affected by the epidemic

Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) held a podcast discussion with Németh István, President of the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organization (MA-HAL) on the Hungarian...

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The national hail damage mitigation system is already operating

The national hail damage mitigation system was put into operation by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) on Wednesday, and it will run until September 30. According to the announcement...

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Customers order more online

Customers have been ordering more online since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, and a small quarter of them prefer not to go to any store but order the products...

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Spring field work has begun

Due to the milder weather, this year’s spring field work began in the country in the first half of April – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. Soil temperatures...

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Nébih ordered traffic restrictions at two poultry farms in Bács-Kiskun County

In two neighboring poultry farms in Bács-Kiskun County, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) ordered immediate traffic restrictions and confinement due to deficiencies in the control of epidemics that...

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(HU) Mire érdemes figyelni alapanyag és étel rendelésekor a járvány idején

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(HU) A kereskedőknek most kell kezdeni előkészíteni a méltányossági kérelmeket

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Permanent closure of 15,000 retail stores expected in the USA

Among the main topics of US news channels and television shows is the CPG sector, the food industry and the grocery retail. NBC Nightly News Broadcast also showcased the self-sacrifice...

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No change in the panic-index when it comes to the pandemic

According to the NMS Market Research National Pandemic Alarm, focusing on the changes within Central- and Eastern Europe, there is no change in terms of panic in Hungary, though we...

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There will be a band for the special retail tax

In Tuesday’s Hungarian Gazette, the government promulgated a decree on a special tax on retail chains. The special tax will be banded, you have to pay over 500 million HUF...

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The dairy sector has also been hit by the effects of the epidemic

The dairy sector was also hit by the coronavirus this week. These days, product councils and professional organizations in North America and the British Isles have called on farmers to...

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Another major decision to support agriculture

Until the end of June, employers, like other economic sectors, will be exempted from paying public charges on their employees in the sectors most affected by forced downtime due to...

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