Market News

CIES: business objectives and responsibility

According to a survey conducted for CIES, manufacturers and retailers agree: leading enterprises in the food sector are able to view issues from a far wider than purely business perspective....

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FMCG retail chains ranking

21,340 general food stores operated in Hungary at the end of 2007, whereas the same number was 21,959 in 2006. According to Mrs. Szalóky Judit Tóth, director of Nielsen, this...

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Market of washing powder shrinking – fortunately this time

While sales of washing powder in terms of quantity are shrinking in Hungary at a slower pace than expected, sales show dynamic growth in terms of value and exceeded HUF...

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European champions in promotions

Supermarkets account for half of total FMCG sales in The Netherlands, while both the market share and turnover of hard discount stores is shrinking. The food retail business is highly...

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The inquisitive eyes of MARI

Thanks to Martin Kingdom, head of English POPAI, his MARI (Marketing at-Retail Initiative) can give us an accurate picture of the effectiveness of our POS activities. It has been an...

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Trapped colours

Spotless colour trap tissues help to prevent different colour clothes leaving stains on others during washing. They have been present in the Hungarian market under the brand name Grey since...

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Visiting neighbours

The Slovakian economy has certainly caught up with us. However, they are producing 8 per cent growth, while we are producing stagnation. We can see significant differences in their retail...

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To see and to be seen – in stores as well

According to the Shopping Monitor survey of Gfk Hungária, highly visible price discounts are the most effective means of getting customers to buy things they had not originally intended to...

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Exceptional advertising for softeners

Fabric softener is the sixth largest among the 60 categories of chemical products monitored by Nielsen. Total annual sales amount to almost HUF 13 billion. Sales increased by 6 per...

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Steve Martin and Gary Colleran: Sold!

How can we make it easier for our customers to buy from us? In my opinion, Steve Martin and Gary Colleran have found the answer in their book. Steve and...

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Hard time for private labels in the market of chewing gum

Retail sales of chewing gum show dynamic expansion. Sales were up by 28 per cent last year, compared to 2006, with total sale exceeding HUF 14 billion. Adult products account...

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Fabric softeners with exotic fragrances and attractive packaging

The market of fabric softeners is expanding dynamically in Hungary. There has been a shift in consumption towards concentrates and manufacturers are reducing the assortments of normal softeners. – Expansion...

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Notes to a book review

Not even marketing, or trade marketing tools or loyalty programs can guarantee a competitive advantage in the long run. Sales personnel are still the key figures in sales. Most companies...

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Campagne for Eating Hungarian Poultry

The Hungarian Poultry Product Broad propagate buying poultry growing up in Hungary. In part of the intagrated communications campagne a conference is organised.  The board hopes that people will protecting...

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Slowly improve of the internal and external balances of Hungary

By the end of the year the economy will be out of the slump it slipped into last year. Inflation, however, will start to decline more substantially only around the...

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Toxic mozzarella from Naples

Italy's buffalo mozzarella industry was in crisis yesterday as a third of producers faced closure amid fears that their cheese had been contaminated with cancer-causing substances.   Several batches of...

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Increasing business confidence in Germany and France

Europe economy is running, the unemployment is in 25 year low and no crisis to see at properity sector.   The euro rose against the dollar, reversing an earlier decline,...

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Regional tenfold difference between the yearly budget in the region

Austrian has the most money, Ukrainian the less. 42% of the cost is given for food in the now growing countries, in Hungary this share moved from 29 to 23%...

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Tobacco products from under the counter

Retailers could be forced to take cigarettes off display, under government plans to crack-down on smoking in UK. Shopkeepers could be made to sell tobacco products from under the counter...

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Retail Market Continues Rapid Growth in Russia

The retail trade grew 17% to US$40bn in February this year compared to the same month a year earlier, according to figures from the Federal State Statistics Service.  Retail trade...

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100 millió eurós beruházást tervez Törökországban a Metro

Company plans to open 10 new stores this year Metro CEO Eckhard Cordes said. Metro will open 6 consumer electronics MediaMarkt stores, 2 retailer Real stores, and another 2 retailer...

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The Russian X5 Retail To Acquire Kama Retail

The X5 Retail Group has announced a deal buy Kama Retail Co, a Pyaterochka franchisee in the Perm region, for about US$18m including debt.  The rapidly expanding russian food retailer...

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Smart shopping trolley with dietetic advices

Microsoft is helping design the ultimate shopping trolley: a cart that will guide you round the store, suggest recipes…and tell you if you're sticking to your diet.   Developed by...

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Younger people are more fexible by changing city or country

Kelly Services made an international workplace survey of 115,000 people in 33 countries, from Hungary 4400 people answered the questions.  The research also queried how far workers would travel for...

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The volume of retail sales adjusted for calendar effects decreased by 3.0% in January

In January 2008, the domestic retail turnover (including catalog retailing) was 416 billion HUF. In January 2008, specialized and non-specialized food, beverages and tobacco retail sales declined again; sales volumes...

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Compact washing powder's price increased 20%

According to Nielsen Research the last year the sales of detergents grow with 10% , it was over HUF 37 billion. There was a 2% decrease in quantity.  Detergent is...

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In spite of higher prise the beer in can is more popular

The sales of beer increased in volume with 6% , in value with 10% – according to Nielsen Research. The non-alcoholic segment stagneted at 3-4%, since two years.  The most...

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Young people shopping not purposeful

70% of Hungarian consumer don't know too much about consumer protection rights, most of them know almost nothing about indemnity and warrant.  According to's and Szonda Ipsos's research the...

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Eggs are 25% more expensive as last year

Eggs on tray cost each HUF 26-28, in boksz HUF 32. According to the Hungarian Poultry Product Board Hungarians buy 100 million eggs near the Eastern.  The eggs' sale duplicat...

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The self service photo corner is a good business

Dailly 1500-2000 pictures are printed by each mashines standing in Saturn stores.  The photo kiosk are served by HP, the electronic stores bought them for HUF one million and the...

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