Market News

Cantaloupe from Honduras brought Salmonella outbreak in the US and Canada

The FDA advises that U.S. grocers, food service operators and produce processors remove from their stock any cantaloupes grown packed and shipped from this country.  Based on current information, the...

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Hungarian economy will bottom out from the last year’s “growth hole”

According to the forecast prepared by GKI Economic Research Co. in co-operation with Erste Bank the internal and external balance of the economy will improve further considerably in 2008.  The...

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Unemployment grow in Hungary

In the period of December 2007–February 2008, the number of employed people was 3,855 thousand and the number of unemployed people was 337 thousand, which meant an nemployment rate of...

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Ban British finance minister from pubs

A blogger-led internet campaign aiming to ban British finance minister Alastair Darling from U.K. pubs after he raised alcohol taxes appears to be making headway.   The campaign to prevent...

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Orange and peach on top

Retail sales of fruit juice has been stable in terms of quantity but increased by 10 per cent in terms of value in the February 2007- January 2008 period. According...

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Globetrotter store system in Köln – shopping in the 21st century

All exhibitors at Euroshop represented an approach which focuses on customers’ perspective. I had a similar experience in Köln, another German city. Globetrotter is a store specialising in sports and...

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Carried away by trends

Trend has become a trendy word. How can trends be researched, foreseen and defined? These were the questions discussed at conference organised by Dr. Törőcsik Marketing Inspiration – Consumer Behaviour...

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Fruit juices doing well

Though it is too early to say that carton boxes are the sole form of packaging for fruit juices with a higher fruit content, PET bottles are preferred for cheaper...

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Digital Signage – the future is here!

– Technological progress brings about new and specialised marketing solutions like Digital Signage, usually regarded as a form of home advertising – says–Attila Csizmadia, chairman of the Digital Signage Division...

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30–40 age group drinking fruit juice

According to data from the ConsumerScan of Gfk Hungária, the market expansion of fruit nectars and juices with 100 per cent fruit content came to a halt in 2007. The...

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Instore: the moment of truth

Cheapness is till the key consideration regarding instore tools, but at least cardboard displays are becoming increasingly attractive. Companies specialising in instore communication are confident however, that western solutions will...

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Canned beer increasingly popular

Retail sales of beer continued to grow last year, with a 6 per cent increase in terms of quantity and 10 per cent in terms of value. Demand for canned...

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Fighting instore theft

There is no such thing as perfect security. Store owners can do no more than to make life as difficult for thieves as possible. Expensive products can be fitted with...

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Constant change

The cliché that change is the only thing that is constant is especially true for the food retail sector. The appearance of Aldi will definitely have a serious impact on...

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Magnetic beer brands in hyper markets

Since beer sales grew last year, even though it was a difficult year for everybody, optimism regarding 2008 seems to be justified. As a result of new strategies, hyper markets...

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What really matters is inside

When we see that the interior of a supermarket that we regularly visit has been completely redesigned, we usually feel that it takes us longer to find the products we...

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Lessen the mirelit brick

There is a shortage of some vegetables a result of last year’s drought. When stocks run out, we will have to wait until the season arrives. Refrigerating enterprises have only...

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Date Swedes and drink beer with Romanians!

A survey has been prepared about European beer culture by the market researchers Added Value for SABMiller. 7,500 consumers have been interviewed in 15 European countries for the survey. There...

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Food still fuelling inflation

In February 2008, average consumer prices were 1.1 per cent up compared to January and 6.9 per cent higher than in the same month of 2007. Food prices were up...

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Ban on smoking?

According to Ágnes Horváth, minister of health, her ministry will submit the bill for the amendment of the law on the protection of non-smokers to parliament by the end of...

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Less households buying private labels

According to data from the ConsumerScan of Gfk Hungária, beer consumption rose last year both in terms of value and quantity. Sales were up by 5,6 per cent in terms...

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Barbecue season to start early

The Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI) monitors trends in the world markets of meat and poultry. Data from the Market and Price Information System of KSH and AKI can be...

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Minimundus, the country brand

Magyar Turizmus Zrt. presented the new national brand of Hungary for tourism in March. According to Balázs Szűcs, deputy general director of MT Zrt., the brand concept should carry relevant...

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Drugstores holding largest market share in body lotions

Hand and body lotions are expanding categories with sales showing an increase of 10 per cent in terms of value and 8 per cent in terms of quantity last year....

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Improving expectations

The business expectation index of GKI showed some improvement in February. While entrepreneurial expectations show a definite improvement, consumer expectations show stagnation. All sectors of the economy show more optimism...

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Top categories: plus and minus

Nielsen monitors the sales of 90 food categories. The graph shows the changes which took place in the February 2007-January 2008 period. All categories produced expansion of between 3-17 per...

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Hydration is no longer enough

Five major brands (Garnier, Nivea, Dove, Johnson & Johnsons and Baba) control 70 per cent of the hand and body lotion market. The category showed growth both in terms of...

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Chains of small stores suffering biggest loss 2007

According to the Retail Analysis 2007 study by GfK Hungária, discount stores and hyper markets improved their respective market positions, while the FMCG sector slipped into relative recession last year....

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Faktoring ABC – about factoring in simple terms

We hear about factoring every day, but relatively few businesses actually use this financial service. Probably, not many people are familiar with the advantages of factoring. We have asked Andrea...

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More effective compact washing powders more expensive

Washing powder is the largest among the 60 categories of chemical products monitored by Nielsen. Sales increased by 10 per cent in terms of value last year, reaching HUF 37...

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