Market News

Wine Marketing Renewal

According to Tornai Tamás, the President of the Hungarian Grape and Wine Association (MSZBSZ); to maintain the annual 3 million hectoliters traffic of the Hungarian wine, a concerted Wine Marketing...

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Hungarian National resources are not enough for EU supports

Hungary currently has no country-wide development policy, in addition to EU funds it can not be used as it should – said Parragh László, the President of the Hungarian Trade...

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China: 270 million new credit card in a year

According to the Chinese central bank; The Chinese consumers last year, purchased with credit card in a value of more than 24 trillion USD, one-third more than in 2008. The...

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Negative sentiment in the euro area

In the euro zone the SENTIX index decreased instead of the expected -3.2 points to -8.2 points in February from the earlier -3.7 points. The index first declines since July...

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Slovakian industry has the momentum again

The industrial production in December increased by 11.9 percent in a year in Slovakia – announced by the Slovakian Statistical Office. The analysts expected only an average 5.6 percent growth....

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A decrease in the average retail price of milk

According to Nielsen; More sold from the milk products with high volume in 2009, than in 2008. Retail turnover increased by 10 percents in the case of cheese, fruit yogurt...

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Industrial production fell last year to the bottom

According to the preliminary datas of the Central Statistical Office; the volume of industrial production was 17.7 percent lower than in 2008. The industrial production, compared to the same period...

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Farm goods in Budapest

Farm goods store opened in Budapest on Saturday. The shop aims to market only farms producing food, produced by the farmers. Chladek Tibor, creator and owner of the shop, that...

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Cheaper wine test helps the marketing of wine

Good news for the domestic wine-makers: from February, especially in the cases of high-quality wines, the test before the marketing of the products, will cost only 24 thousand HUF, instead...

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Unpleasant Christmas surprise from Germany

Germany’s industrial production had fallen sharply in December, in spite of the analysts’ expectations of a slow growth. According to the datas of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; the output...

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China do not need the U.S. chicken leg

Beijing introduces anti-dumping duty on imports of chicken meat from the United States, from the 13th of February. According to the Chinese position; the United States filled China with chicken...

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Hungaricums: the quantity would delete specialty

Cult, but marginal – as Mangalica breed was described by Tóth Péter, head of the National Association of the Mangalica breeders to Világgazdaság. According to Tóth Péter, Mangalica meat is...

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Service industrial data is worse than expected

The U.S. ISM purchasing Service industrial purchasing manager index, increased to 50.5 points in January, instead of the expected 51 points, from the former 49.8 points. The business activity index...

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Hungarian wine makers protest in a proclamation

Famous wine-makers ask the newly-created Community Wine Marketing Ltd. to not sign up new applications. The signatories of the manifesto do not understand, that who made the operation of the...

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Foreign trade turnover increased in November

According to the Central Statistical Office (KSH); after a 13 month decline, foreign trade turnover increased again, in last November. Export increased by 2.7, while import by 1.1 percent, compared...

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Advertising market decreased last year

According to the most recent datas of TNS Media Intelligence; Calculated on list price, Hungarian advertising market decreased by 7.4 percent in 2009. Statistics show, that the advertisers spent 44...

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Euro zone’s service industry momentum declined

According to Markit Economics; Euro zone’s service sector decreased moderately in January, compared to December, but the final datas are better than expected. The value of the service industry purchasing...

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Companies are confident at the beginning of the year

Ecostat’s business confidence survey shows the moderate improvement of the companies. The value of the TOP-100 enterprise index was 71.8 percent. The value of the small-and medium-sized enterprises was 67.8...

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German retail improves

While the German economy shrank by 5 percent last year, the retail sales declined less than expected, on an annual basis and December turnover expanded, compared to November. After the...

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The number of insolvent companies can break records

According to the latest analysis of Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), risk management expert; Another Hungarian insolvency peak can be expected in 2010, but the pace of deterioration of the companies...

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Hungarian market by phone

After Rákospalota, the Hungarian market, distributing only domestic products, arrived to South Buda’s Albertfalva Market. The organizers are already planning further developments: soon the phone ordered goods will be delivered...

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The MFB gives the source to the SME sector

According to the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB); Considerable resources are available for the Small and Medium Enterprices. The Small and Medium Enterprices can get access to SME credits in the...

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Both Hungary’s and the Euro Zone’s manufacturing industry expanded

Euro Zone’s manufacturing industry expanded further beyond expectations. The shrinkage began in September 2008 has stopped in Hungary. The Purchasing Manager Index expanded in January compared to the previous month....

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Online shopping is getting more and more popular

According to the “2009: Trends and attitudes” research of Gemius E-Commerce; Fourty percent of the Hungarian internet users are relatively experienced in online shopping. The research shows that almost all...

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German beer consumption decreases for years

The Germans consumed less beer in 2009, than a year before. According to the Federal Statistical Office; the sales of the domestic breweries and beer storages, decreased by 2.8 percent....

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The old payment system is adverse for animal breeders

Comparing the land based and the new SPS system, it is revealed, that the current system favors the plant growers working at smaller areas, while the new sytem would favor...

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We are dissatisfied with the climate programs

According to the new survey by Ipsos Global @dvisor, carried out on behalf of Reuters News; only 35 percent of the adult population of 23 countries (that gives 75 of...

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Consumer rush did not occur in the United States

Despite the fact, that the huge chains were bombing the customers with actions, in December, the U.S. households spent less, than expected. Only a 0.2 percent increase occured, in household...

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Improvement in external debt, stagnant real wages

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. made with the cooperation of Erste Bank, Hungarian economy will stagnate in 2010, but the external balance will show assets. The...

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More and more managers are getting optimistic about the future

According to the Global CEO Survey of the PricewaterhouseCoopers; The CEOs left behind their fears, about the prolonged recession. The year earlier pessimism is replaced by trust in future growth....

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