Market News

The Icelandic vulcano eruptions can hinder the economic recovery in Europe

The European aviation experts say that the air limitation can be so long, that it can affect the economic growth this year, and the post-crisis recovery as well. The current...

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The GKI consumer confidence index is almost on its four-year peak

In April, the seasonally adjusted value of the GKI prosperity index continued to increase. The value of the GKI consumer confidence index increases strongly after the low point of April...

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New business applications

Those businesses can tender for a total of 23.5 billion of EU funds, which tender for the New Hungary Development Plan’s (ÚMFT) now published in three appeal. Support applications can...

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The GKI consumer confidence index is almost on its four-year peak

In April, the seasonally adjusted value of the GKI prosperity index continued to increase. The value of the GKI consumer confidence index increases strongly after the low point of April...

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Due to EU rules the price of eggs may increase double-fold

The price of eggs may be doubled, if the producers have to introduce the new animal-friendly breeding techniques. The development could cost up to 50 billion HUF to the industry,...

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Retail should respond to the demographic challenges

Just like in the major part of Western Europe, Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries also facing long-term demographic challenges, just like the stagnation or decreasing of the population and...

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Improved global economic forecast

The performance of the World Economy expected to be increased by 4 percent this year, but this is still mainly the result of the stimulative measures, so a slower growth...

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The possibilities of the Széchenyi Card would be broadened

The contractors claimed that the state-sponsored Széchenyi Card working capital credit facilities are maintained and new opportunities to connect to it – said Dávid Ferenc the Secretary-General of National Association...

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Hungary has the worst inflation rate in the EU

In March, a 1.4 percent inflation occured in the euro area on an annual basis. The monthly inflation rate was 0.9 percent in the whole EU. Annual inflation was 1.9...

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Real earnings increased by four percent on average, over a year

At the companies, with at least 5 people and at financial institutions, the reported gross average earnings in the first two months of 2010 increased by 3.7 percent, the net...

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Optimistic forecasts on this year's GDP

While the government and central bank forecast predicts a 0.2 percent decrease in GDP for this year, the economic research institute expects at least stagnation, or a 0.8 percent growth...

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Unexpected deterioration in U.S. consumer confidence

Contrary to the expected rise, the consumer confidence index of the University of Michigan shows decline: standing on a value of 69.5 points in April, compared to the previously predicted...

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It will not hurt to be careful with energy drinks!

How safe are the energy drinks? The National Chief Medical Office, the National Food and Nutrition Institute and the Hungarian Food Safety Office organised a conference on the 13th of...

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12 percent more insolvency proceedings in the first quarter

This year's first quarter, the companies insolvency index increased by 12 percent, over the same period of last year – reports Coface Hungary credit insurer. 54.44 percent of the procedures...

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The GDP grew by 11.9 percent in China

China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 11.9 percent in this year's first quarter over the same period last year – announced the Chinese Statistical Office on Thursday. This year's...

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We consumed less beer last year

The beer industry sold 12 percent less beer in 2009, than a year earlier. The Hungarian market shows a 9 percent decline, domestic consumption has fallen steadily in recent years....

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Asian economies seem to be over the crisis

According to the datas of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) presented on Thursday; the average economic growth of the countries in the region this year could reach 7.5 percent and...

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Industrial production rose by 8.4 percent

The volume of industrial production in February 2010 increased by 8.4 percent, compared to the same period of the last year – announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Compared to...

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The Széchenyi-card program may expand

The Széchenyi-card program may expand with investment loan said Parragh László, the President of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to Világgazdaság. The professional preparing has ended, we need...

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Meat industry trade union to suspend demonstration

The meat industry trade union received substantive bid so suspended the demonstration, which was planned to the front of the centre factory of the Debrecen Meat Group Ltd. in Szolnok....

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If food is dangerous, it cannot be sold!

The Hungarian Trade Association’s press release calls the attention of the customers to the following: According to the inspections of the recent days, a number of food donot correspond to...

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Increasing winding-up procedings

The number of the winding-up procedures increased in the first quarter: 4211 procedures were launched against the companies, compared to the same period last year registered more than 3670 –...

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Billions for the small and medium-sized enterprises

The Hungarian Development Bank Ltd. approved nearly 304 billion HUF new loans, until the 5th of April, in the scope of the business lending programs. The bank between the 29th...

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The level of agricultural prices increased

The level of agricultural prices increased in February 2010 by 0.2 percent, over the same period the previous year. Including herbal products, the price level rose by 2 percent, the...

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The multinational stores would not close on Sunday due to the customers

The opinion of the Hungarian chains are various about the limitation of the opening hours on Sundays. According to the opponents; the limitation is contrary to the interests of the...

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Russian economy renewal?

The Russian economy may expand by 8.3 percent annually, due to domestic demand and aluminum prices in the second quarter – said the Moscow-based Renaissance Capital. In its earlier forecast...

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Decreaseing unemployment rate in the Czech Republic

Unemployment decreased slightly in the Czech Republic in March: the rate declined by 0.2 percentage points to 9.7 percent. According to the datas of the Labour Ministry, 556 thousand people...

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Increasing costumer conscioussness in the purchasing decisions

We are willing to visit more chains in a hope of a better offer. According to the analysis of GfK Hungária; a slow but clear change can be observed in...

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The competitiveness index in Hungary has improved

GKI and Microsoft released its competitiveness and business environment index of March. The Competitiveness Index (Vex) stagnated in the Czech Republic, in the fourth quarter of 2009, increased in the...

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Deficit occured in China's foreign trade – for the first time in 6 years

China's foreign trade balance showed a 7.24 billion dollar a deficit in March, for the first time since April 2004. In March, Chinese exports increased by 24.3, imports by 66.0...

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