Market News

Domestic resources in the Green Economy

Green economy stimulus expands by using Hungarian constructed, Hungarian-owned wind power generator technology. The 6-billion HUF worth investment will create 200 jobs in Tiszaújváros. The increase of renewable energy sources...

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Tesco, Spar, Auchan – the ranking of contributors

According to the datas of the preliminary flash survey of the National Trade Association; among the retail chains Tesco will pay the most special tax, 12.1 billion forints, followed by...

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OKSZ: the price gap should be the tax base

The prime minister's announcement surprised the National Trade Association. On the basis of the 13th of October announcement of the PM, the commercial chains should help the budget for three...

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Further increase in U.S. retail sales

In September, retail sales increased by 0.6 percent in the U.S.A. – announced the U.S. Trade Ministry, on Friday afternoon. The fresh data is a pleasant surprise, because analysts expected...

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Hungarian pig breeders cannot compete with the cheap Dutch import

According to the National Federation of Agricultural Cooperators and Producers; the pig breeders are in critical siztuation. They cannot compete with the cheap Dutch imports and do not receive market...

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(HU) Magyar Édességgyártók Szövetségének elnöke rostgazdag kekszeket ajánl

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Parragh: in the end the consumer pays anyway

To ensure fiscal balance there was no other choice – said Parragh Laszló, chairman of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, over the crisis tax measures notified by Orbán...

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GKI:Tributes and battles in the budget

The new government announced new temporary tax and impositions, excessing the 2.5 percent of the GDP. Special tax will hit the banking, energy and telecommunications sectors for three years, as...

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A new crisis may come – said Nouriel Roubini

The professor who predicted the global economic crisis has stated that probability of the double-bottomed recession is 40 percent. The chanse of a newer recession increased from 35 percent to...

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CBA and the Real can get away from a serious crisis tax

The announcement of the Prime Minister about the crisis taxes did not caused a surprise, since it is already part of the official communication of the past few days. The...

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New cage EU standard cages will cost 20 billion for the Hungarian egg producers

At the end of the week the Egg Festival will be held in Siófok, where one can learn everything about the “most simple canned” food. But there is not much...

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Poor harvest is expected

There is not any Hungarian wine region, which could be fully satisfied with the harvest this year – said Csaba Horváth, the Secretary-General of the National Council of Wine Communities...

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Decreasing mall building mood in Eastern Europe

According to the datas of the Austrian RegioData research company; Compared to the peak of 2007, the number of mall-building projects in the Southeast, and Eastern European region may decrease...

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Industry in Europe accelerates

Industry in Europe accelerates The industrial production in August, continued to grow in the European Union and the trend does not break. Hungary also performing outstandingly. The industrial production grew...

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54 percent of the domestic bills are paid late in Hungary

Half of the domestic bills are paid late in Hungary – said Vanek Balázs, leader of the Hungarian branch of the Atradius Credit Insurance Company, although he expects a slow,...

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Nielsen: costumers spending more on global health and beauty trends

With consumers around the world cutting back on discretionary expenses during the recession, Nielsen probed consumers’ attitudes towards health and beauty (H&B) products—where they purchased them and what factors went...

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Significant changes in the price of agricultural products

In August, the producer price level of agricultural products increased by 20.1% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year – KSH announced today. More specifically, the price level...

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Surging coffee prices trigger consumer pain

Over the last six months a highly speculative green coffee market and dramatically increased commodity costs have completely altered the economic and financial picture of many players in the coffee...

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Employment grew in September

According to the website of the Public Employment Service (ÁFSZ); The employers announced 28,400 new job opportunities in September, so in one month, the reported number of new jobs increased...

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Waiting for tax and financial laws

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with Erste Bank, the conditions for growth in 2011 are worse than previous expectations. Compared to 2010, growth...

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Budapest stepped back on the business destinations list

Budapest fell back to the 30th place, from last year’s 26th on the list contains 36 European cities based on the expansion plans of foreign firms, published by Cushman and...

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Britons can drink their own wines in restaurants

An old tradition will return to the British restaurants: the British people can bring their favourite wines. More and more restaurants offering this opportunity to their guests – can be...

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Sarkozy would send cattle to Russia

French President Sarkozy called Russian colleagues to reconsider those “unfair trade barriers” that the Russian party raised against French livestock and meat exports. Sarkozy told, that the cattle destined for...

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Three tons of contaminated peaches at the Spar-warehouse

The inspectors of the Central Agricultural Office found more than 3 tons of contaminated peaches, at the Spar-warehouse in Üllő. In the fruit arrived from Spain the inspector found double...

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Eurostat and World Bank data now searchable on Google in 34 languages

“Last year we launched a search feature that made it easy to find and visualise statistics and public data. Our data visualisation tools are designed to surface statistical information about...

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Yet another Hungarian wine-success: the wine of Gyöngyös is worldwide-known

The wine of gyöngyös-based Károly Róbert College had the privilage of taking part in the Slovenian International University Wine Competition this year, and the avid Hungarian team returned with a...

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Mall builders are awaiting

According to the survey, carried out by the experts of ABLON, which is the largest real estate developer of Central and Eastern Europe; this year, the participant of the real...

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Hungarian-Arab trade may become more active

The Emirates Business Council (EBC) first appeared in Budapest in the region, which wants to encourage the ) trade relations between Hungary and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The United...

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The Consumer Protection Authority puts a greater emphasis on product presentations

A lot of abuses occur at product presentations, so the Consumer Protection Authority is monitoring the firms, dealing with these kind of events more actively. The official investigations have shown...

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The straw-burning power plant will not, but a factory will be built near Tokaj

The straw-burning power plant will not be built – announced the new major of the city in MR1 Kossuth Radio. But surely to create new jobs a new plant will...

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