Market News

Significant improvement in consumer sentiment in the world's largest economy

In November, the U.S. consumer confidence increased to a peak have not seen for five months, which indicates the expected strengthening of the economy – told the U.S. Conference Board's...

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Thousands of pounds change hands every second in the English webstores

60 million forints per minute (ie 184 thousand pounds) were spent yesterday, by the Christmas customers on the so-called Mega Monday, in various internet stores in the United Kingdom. In...

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Increasing retail sales expected in Central Europe

Acccording to the British Savills consulting firm; in the next five years, the Polish, the Czech and the Hungarian region will be the leader of  the growth and the United...

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A more efficient system launched to protect consumers and brands

A more efficient consumer protection and a more conscious consumer attitude is encouraged by a co-operation between National Consumer Protection Authority and Hungarian Association of Brands. The contract of co-operation...

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Hungary increased its attractiveness among the chains

Germany maintained its leading position as the most attractive retail market in Europe in the Middle Eastern and African region, where 41 percent of the international trading companies are planning...

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MNB expects accelerating economy and inflation

The November forecast of MNB predicts rise in consumer prices, and the acceleration of the economic growth. The expected economic growth rate is estimated at 1.1 percent by the central...

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Customers stormed the German stores

The Christmas shopping season started well in the German retail trade. All indications show that this year’s year end turnover will far exceeds last year's turnover. According to the researches;...

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According to the British, cloned beef is eatable

There was no difference between the meat and milk of the cloned and conventionally bred cattle, so it is unlikely to pose risks to food consumption – reported the British...

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GKI: Hungarian economy will expand by about 2.5 per cent in 2011

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with Erste Bank, following the slight GDP growth of 1 per cent in 2010, the Hungarian economy will...

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New loans in the Széchenyi Card Programme

László Krisán, the CEO of KA-VOSZ informed entrepreneurs in Debrecen about two new types of loan for SMEs. KA-VOSZ, together with VOSZ and MKIK managed to achieve the expansion of...

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A slight improvement in the domestic labor market

The situation of the domestic labor market improved slightly in the past three months – reports the Central Statistical Office. The number of employees was this high almost two years...

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Chocolate Santa Claus is already available for two hundred forints

According to the forecasts; because of the economic crisis, fewer sweets will be taken into the kids’ shoes in this year’s Santa Claus season. Therefore, the prices have not risen...

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Annual competition to restore the credibility of Hungarian pálinka

The National Pálinka Council (PNT) will organize a national pálinka and törköly distilling competition. One can apply for the organization of the event in December 2010. The annualy held competition...

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Black Friday; costumers spent thousand of billions on a single day

The Friday after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) has long been the customer attractor in the stores in the United States. The shops have discounts often 50 to 70, but also up...

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The punishment of Auchan can be deterrent

The 20.5 million HUF fine can be deterrent. The Auchan Hungary Ltd. has been fined because the chain distributed import milk from the Czech Republic under the purchase price. According...

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The “pure chocolate” term is prohibited

According to the decision of the European Court of Justice; the “pure chocolate” denomination is prohibited. On the labels of sweets, a 100 percent cocoa butter content of the ingredients...

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Improved retail sales in September

Until this September 5385 billion HUF was spent in the retail trade. The sales of food stores increased, but less petrol was sold – reports Origo, after the datas of...

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The Wine Marketing Committee has been reorganized

Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister appointed the members of the reorganized Wine Marketing Committee – reports the Ministry of Rural Development (VM). According to the Communication; one member of the...

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Polish retail trade accelerates

In Poland, the value of retail sales at constant prices increased by 9.0 percent in October, compared to a year earlier. The data of the Polish statistics office released on...

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Budavári Winefestival has received another award of excellence

Budavári Winefestival is one of Hungary's most popular festivals – a valid survey carried out by Hungarian Tourism Ltd. announced this summer. Now the famous winefestival has received yet another...

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Magazine: End of the year wiener mathematics

The end of the year might bring a price competition on the wiener market that could turn out to be fiercer than ever – the significance of price promotions vastly...

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GfK: The five wealthiest and poorest places in Hungary

GfK Hungária has set up Hungary's general customerforce-map, and found that the wealthiest people appear to live in Csopak, whereas those who have the smallest amount of money to spend...

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World trade slowed down

In September world trade turnover decreased by 0.6 percent, compared to August. Trade only increased in Eastern Europe, and in Latin America. World trade slowed down in recent months, after...

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Parragh: reform, balance and growth are the most important objectives

According to the president Hungarian Chamber of Commerce; the maintenance of the balance of the budget, structural reforms and the economic growth are the most important objectives of the forthcoming...

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The auction site has been launched

Hungary’s first online transportation site, the auction site has been opened. The website is accessible to everyone. The carriers bid on the auctions of the customers serving all demands,...

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Euro zone’s new industrial orders are below the expectations

According to the Wednesday communication of EU's statistical office, the Eurostat; Euro zone’s new industrial orders decreased by a greater extent in September, than it was originally forecasted. In September,...

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U.S. online holiday retail may exceed 32 billion dollars

According to the recent forecast of ComScore; in this year's festive season a 11 percent increase may occur in online retail sales in the United States. In 2010 U.S online...

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GKIeNET – T-Mobile: Smartphones navigate us

According to the research of GKIeNET – T-Mobile; The past three years brought a breakthrough in the world of navigation tools: smartphones are starting to take the place of PDA...

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GKI's economic sentiment index reached its four-and-a-half-year high in October

GKI's economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects continued to increase in November. The nearly continuous rise started one and a half years ago and the index has not been...

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The energy- and sport drinks factor a saw a rise of 13 billion HUF

Energy- and sport drinks are still incredibly popular, more than 11 billlion HUF was spent on this sector within December 2009 and September 2010. This is 11 percent more than...

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