Market News

Men are are efficient when buying Christmas gifts

Even though this year Christmas gifts are going to be more modest than last year, the holiday will be a lot like in the previous years. Most people spend less...

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Silver Sunday was successful, traders are confident

According to traders this season is much more intense than last year. There are more customers, mainly interested in technical products. The real rush is expected for next week. Malls...

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Industrial production increased over 8 percent in the last 12 months

The volume of industrial production grew by 8.3 percent in October 2010, compared to the same period of last year. The production in the first ten months of the year...

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VOSZ: The majority requires Sunday's opening hours

According to the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ), the whole Hungarian economy and the majority of the population require weekend opening hours of the retail shops. In the...

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Young people spend more on Christmas gifts

Young people spend more, but less and less young people pay with cash at Christmas. One study found that the youngest bank customers spend an average of nearly 23 thousand...

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Sows should gave birth to more piglets to catch up with Western Europe

The efficiency of pig production should be increased. Currently a sow has an average of 18 to 20 piglets. This should be increased to 26 to 28 – said Német...

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The Competition Authority punished again

The Competition Authority fined another company organizing consumer groups. The Quantum Invest like the others, has published misleading advertisements, therefore fined to 4.7 million HUF and prohibited the company from...

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Agricultural products prices increased by a quarter in one year

The level of agricultural product prices were 24.7 percent higher in October 2010, than a year ago. In particular, the price level of plant products increased by 37.1 percent, the...

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Meat test with test purchases: one-fifth of the items had a problem

Five from 26 items had problems, during test purchases, meaning the item was not of sufficient quality – states the National Meat Institute (OHKI), after the joint test, carried out...

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Asia’s retail sales taking the lead

According to a recent study; the consumption of the population, will accelerate in such an extent after the crisis, that within four years the annual retail sales of Asia may...

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Hungarian webstores to introduce free delivery

On the 16th of December several hundred of webstores will deliver the product free to the customers. Everyone will receive the products by Christmas. The first   was organized in the...

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In case of force majeure producer is exempted

Monday, the National Assembly amended the Agricultural Market Act. The producers, in the case of a force majeure event are not obliged to the full compliance of yield sales contracts...

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Men use list, women their intuition during purchasing

According to a survey; about 80 percent of the Christmas gifts are purchased by women. It often happens that they buy even their own gifts and put them under the...

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Negative record in sugar production: a further price increase may come

The sugar production is expected to decrease to its two decade nadir in the world's third largest sugar-producing country, in Australia. According to the report of Abares, the Australian Agricultural...

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Growing interest in Hungarian fish-production

The interest in Hungarian fish has reached the level of interest in the late eighties. Fish-production has been successful and efficient in Hungary throughout the past few years, just last...

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Magazine: Always at hand

Consumers pay more attention to skin care in the winter months. Cold, wind, heating and a hot bath or an ill-chosen cream can all dehydrate the skin, especially the hands...

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The new modell of the Chamber of Agriculture would be beneficial to the producers

According to one version of the draft legislation; The food processors involved in distribution and marketing can be forced members of the Chambers of Agriculture. The new plenum can receive...

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The Christmas rush started in Germany and in Hungary

The traffic is much higher than in the same period of last year. According to the German Trade Association (HDE); the flat screen TVs, jewelry, watches and the games are...

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Christmas-shopping is a major stress-source for Hungarians

Hungarians are very fond of Christmas, however they are sick and tired of compulsory Christmas shopping – a new online survey carried out by Árukereső.hu pointed out, after having interviewed...

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We eat far less fish than the EU average

This year’s fish production will be 21 to 22 thousand tons in Hungary, about 15 percent less than the average, mainly due to the badweather – said Németh István, the...

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Falling Consumption and slowing economy may be the price to pay for the rescue of the euro

According to the survey of the Centre for Economics and Business Research; In the debted countries of the euro area, an up to 15 percent drop in consumption may be...

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The aging population also offers excellent business opportunities

Many investment professionals have already drawn attention to the potential business opportunities in the increasingly aging societies of the developed Western countries. In particular, they drew attention on the purchasing...

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Austria has no interest in further liberalization of agricultural markets in the EU

Hungary and Austria both are on the opinion, that they have no interest in further liberalization of the European Union's agricultural market – said Jakab István (Fidesz), Vice-President of the...

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Champagne, wine and caviar are the favorite products of the Italian magpies

In Italy, a record number of pre-Christmas shopliftings occurred. According to the datas of the Coldiretti producers association; kleptomania outbroke among the Italians. Until the end of the year, 660...

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The Big Short – the Wall Street-story now out in Hungarian

Michael Lewis's new book, The Big Short is a brilliant account – character-rich and darkly humorous – of how the U.S. economy was driven over the cliff. The Hungarian translation...

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It was worth to expand the Széchenyi Card Program

Experience so far shows that it was justified to expand the Széchenyi Card Program with working capital loan – said Krisán László, CEO of Ka-Vosz Zrt. to MTI. He recalled,...

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We may spend more than 130 billion HUF in online stores this year

According to an economic analyst; this year in Hungary, people may spend more than 130 billion HUF in online stores. Last year 99 billion HUF was spent on the Internet...

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Hungarian farmers will be posted on the map

The Gasztro Térkép Kft. would like to bring together the domestic agricultural producers, farmers, with food processors, restaurants, shops and hotels. The company founded this year, would like to create...

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London analysts: we should not rely on the euro until 2019

The earliest possibility for Hungary to join to the euro zone will be in 2019, probably together with Poland. The Czech Euro may be delayed for the 2020s years –...

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Food-conderfeit scandal! Re-labelled, expired meat seized

Shocking food counterfeit-scandal in Siófok: 110 kg re-labelled, expired meat was seized at a retailer in the city of Siófok by animal health authority on Wednesday. According to experts, three...

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