Market News

Social shop network needs to be reorganized

The Social shop network of MAGOSZ struggles with the lack of customers, that wanted to give a better position for the domestic food producers., and offer cheaper products to the...

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The food samples travel abroad

Sending abroad cost 150-200 thousand HUF for a piece of sample for the Hungarian food safety authorities. The specialized accreditation of national laboratories, has expired since the end of November,...

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Great Britain may quit from funding the FAO

If the starving millions of India will go rebellious, the Arab revolutions will only seem as a prelude. This is London’s opinion of the current food crisis situation, and also...

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Sugar does not want to stay out of price increases

Sugar may become more expensive with even a one-third, compared to its October, November price. While in the middle of the sugar beet processing campaign, its price was about 200...

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Slovakia would push down prices with free flour and pasta

The needy will be given free free flour and pasta in Slovakia. The government’s plans were strongly criticized by the opposition immediately. The Slovak government would open up the country's...

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Weak Forint helped the sheep market too

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and meat products. Their last report reveals that the price of small-weight sheep, thanks to an...

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Battling obesity in America

In its “Where America Stands” series, CBS News is looking at a broad spectrum of issues facing this country in the new decade. The evidence of an epidemic is everywhere....

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GKI expects Hungary's economy to grow 1 percentage point faster than the EU average

Economic research institute GKI expects Hungary's economy to grow 1 percentage point faster than the EU average in 2011, although Hungary will only overtake Slovenia and Romania within the CEE...

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An increase in the turnover of Hungary's retail sales

After one and a half years, the turnover of Hungary's retail sales have risen again in the fourth quarter of last year, 2 percent more food, household chemicals and cosmetics...

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Nielsen: Hungarians bought cheese for 75 billion HUF last year

Retail sales of fruit yoghurt, butter and cottage increased both in value and volume, compared to the previous year. The combined annual turnover of the four products are about 95...

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The Hungarian food prices are on the 78 percent of the EU average

In Hungary, food prices exceed the price level of many surrounding countries, because of the higher tax rate – said Szabó Márton, leading researcher of Kopint-Tárki. According to the expert;...

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British economy on the edge of recession

The performance of the British economy decreased even in a greater extend than it was previously estimated. In the GDP forecast of the last month, a 0.5 percent quarterly decline...

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Billions for young farmers by the New Hungary Rural Development Program

The new program to support young farmers by the New Hungary Rural Development Program proved to be successful according to Tamás Saád, expert of Hungarikum Konzorcium, who pointed this out...

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Global purchasing power will expand vigorously until 2050

World becomes more and more richer, after the economies of the developing countries are increasingly catching up – forecasts Willem Buiter, chief economist for Citigroup. The expert predicts straight: in...

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EU-fond of 173 billion HUF to support rural business development

A 173 billion HUF EU-fund has been earmarked exclusively for business development within the compass of the new Széchenyi Plan in this year's round of applications. Those who are interested...

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Who spends and how much?

MarketingDaily made an attempt to find out what consumers are doing when they go shopping. Members of the Y generation (born in the 1982-1995 period) trust channels more than brands....

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Eurobarometer: Hungarians trust in the union, but less in the Hungarian economy

The trust in the European Union is very strong in Hungary, on an EU comparison, however, the faith in the Hungarian Economy is still characterized by extreme pessimism among the...

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Retail revival hopefully not only favors imports

According to industry participants and analysts; after four years of downturn retail may accelerate. The other question: is that good, if spendings will increase again. Only in the case of...

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Food prices continue to increase

Researches show that until 2020 the world demand for wheat will increase by 12 to 15 percent, demand for pork by 20 percent, 24-25 percent for poultry and sugar –...

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The value of world trade in December last year exceeded the pre-crisis level

The value of world trade, exceeded the pre-crisis level the first time in last December, while during the whole past year expanded by 15.1 percent – shows the datas of...

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The new advertising regulations are beneficial for the commercial channels

The Chief Executives of the RTL Klub, TV2 and Viasat called the new advertising regulations beneficial. They also welcomed the possibility of product placement, which, according to them can result...

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The Rural Development Minister do not afraid that the bread prices will reach 400 HUF

Hungary has enough grain, there is no reason for 400 HUF bread prices. State feed purchasing also not necessary – stated the Rural Development Minister said. According to MTI; Fazekas...

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The tea export of Kenya is falling

The world's leading tea exporter’s production decreased by 4.5 percent to 35.9 million kilogrammes, compared to the previous year, while exports dropped by 14 percent earlier this year. According to...

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GfK: The outlook of customer behavioural trends in 2011

At a press conference held in Nuremberg, GfK presented a review of private consumption in 2010 and an outlook for 2011. As forecast by GfK, private consumption rose last year...

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Use of Széchenyi-card extended to agriculture

The Hungarian government has made the decision to extend the use of Széchenyi Card credit to Hungary's agricultural sector, government spokeswoman Anna Nagy informed the press on Wednesday. Rural Development...

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Different views over the retail turnover

According to the National Trade Association, positive signs occurred in last year’s, retail indicators, but the analyst of CIB Bank stressed, that the figures were weaker than expected, and retails...

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Hamburger tax: consumer protectors worry about the passing of the burdens

According to the communication of the Central Hungarian Consumer Protection Association; such limits should be imposed on hamburger tax, that will prevent the costumers from the merchants, passing the burdens...

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Last year the retail sales decreased by 2.3 percent

The volume of retail sales in December 2010 – on the basis of the calendary effect adjusted datas – decreased by 1.7 percent, compared to the same period of the...

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Hungarian dairy industry may operate successfully

In the case of the long-term survival of the current funding system and in the case of feed price decrease, the domestic dairy sector may operate effectively in long-terms. The...

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The EU would support the conscious purchasing behavior with informative food labels

The agricultural ministers of the Member States agree that well positioned and readable informative labels should be placed on foods. According to the report of Bruxinfo; on the food packages,...

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