Market News

Billions go to farmers affected by the frost damage

More than 13 billion government aid is allocated to assist farmers affected by frost damage – György Czerván, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Rural Development informed journalists on...

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In the intelligent home the refrigerator orders food from the web

The concept of the intelligent home is still not widely known, however, it can be the integral part of our lives. Soon, the time will come, when large part of...

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Magazine: Consumers spread less margarine on their slice of bread

– Base material prices have grown like never before and as a result product prices augmented, so a difficult year awaits distributors – says Ágota Puskás, category operations assistant manager...

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EIPA trend: More emphasis on smaller and newer Member States

The National Institute of Public Administration and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) jointly organised the meeting of the EIPA Board of Governors, on 6-7 June 2011, in the...

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Freedom of speecg won agains Tokaj-wine

The opinion of the taste of wine and the style of writing is up to the journalist – not everybody agreed with this though. Tokaj Kereskedőház Ltd. has sued journalist...

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Hungarians trust labels on food-products more than the rest of Europe

To what extent do customers trust information indicated on the labels of various-food products? Market research company Nielsen has been looking for the answer to this question among many other...

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The sales of strategic sugar stocks was suspended

The Ministry of Rural Development suspended the sale of strategic sugar stocks, due to favorable market conditions. In order to break down the high sugar prices, Rural Development Minister Fazekas...

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ÁNTSZ: Avoid the consumption of sprouts!

According to the National Public Health and Medical Service (ÁNTSZ ), at households and at other places there may still have some seeds, which presumably caused the epidemic diarrhea in...

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This year, poultry breeders can receive four billion HUF

Poultry farmers will have access to four billion HUF national resources in 2011. Under a regulation amendment, the poultry welfare applications can be submitted in every quarter year – announced...

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Crisis-tax to remain after 2012?

On a lower-rate, but, the Sector specific taxes would remain even after 2012 in Hungary – said Lázár János, leader of the Fidesz faction in an interview of the Bloomberg...

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Japan stops the distribution of the radiation polluted beef

The Japanese government plans to ban the distribution of beef shipments from Fukushima after it was found, that parts of the products are infected with radioactive cesium. A total of...

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The Czech government to raise VAT

The Czech state would reach some extra revenue by raising the VAT rate. Instead of the planned 17.5 percent 19 would be the uniform rate of VAT. Next year, the...

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Consultation on Rural Development Co-operation

Experts and politicians from Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Slovakia and the Ukraine, as well as leading Hungarian lawmakers and representatives of the government, were invited to attend the consultation,...

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MAGOSZ encourages public storage

The amount of wheat is moderate, but quality is high this year in Hungary – states the MAGOSZ. According to the agricultural organization; prices are depressed currently, but on the...

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Customers prefer air-conditioned stores in the heat

A large part of the customers prefer air-conditioned hypermarkets and malls more in the heat wave than smaller shops – shows the online survey of Népszabadság Online. In the heat,...

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Advertising is more effective on thematic channels

In the future, the expansion of thematic channels may continue, over the commercial TV channels, and their viewers are still holding untapped potential for advertisers. According to the recent joint...

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The parliamentary committee investigating the privatization of the sugar industry has been formed

The parliamentary committee investigating the privatization of the sugar factories held its first inaugural meeting. The 16-member committee will meet weekly and in 180 days will compile a report on...

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The Slovak Parliament said no on Sunday store closure

The Slovakian shops will be open on Sundays and on most of the holidays. The Slovak parliament voted down the Sunday closure proposal of the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH), this...

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Magazine: Grill sausage sales are highly concentrated

Hungarians spend about HUF 1 billion on grill sausage a year. The Nielsen Retail Index registered minus 26 percent in both value and volume from one year to another. Volume...

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Price-to-value ratio is the most important for Hungarians when purchasing food

The most important factor for Hungarians when purchasing food is without doubt the price-to-value ratio, a suvey by market research company NIelsen published today. In the survey, 47% of respondents...

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The Seed Association proposes professional consultation in GMO case

The Seed Association proposes professional consultation with the participation of the legislature, the authority and the representatives of the companies to review the legislative, jurisdictional and practical problems – announced...

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The insolvency of the firms affects trade and the construction industry the most

The insolvency index of the Hungarian companies increased by 21 percent in the first half of 2011, compared to the same period of the previous year. Proceedings were initiated against...

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Will the Hungarian fruit win on the chips-tax?

According to the Ministry of Rural Development; one of the winners of the public health product tax, the so-called chips-tax may be domestic agriculture, because it will help local production...

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Analysts have different views over the 7.6 percent growth of the industrial production

The analysts of the banks polled by MTI have different views over the slowdown of May. Some of them consider it temporary some believe it is a sign of a...

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The new melon market regulation enters into force on Thursday

The new melon market regulations enters into force on Thursday, that according to the ministry will strengthen the market position of the Hungarian melon. Czerván György, State Secretary of the...

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Minimal growth in U.S. retail

Compared to May, U.S. retail trade increased by 0.1 percent in June, instead of the expected stagnation. Moreover, the U.S. Commerce Department decreased the value of the May decline from...

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Consultation on Rural Development Co-operation in the Carpathian Basin

As part of the National Rural Strategy – 2020 consultation series, discussions were held for the first time today regarding the national Carpathian Basin Rural Development Co-operation programme. Experts and...

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KSH: grain prices increased over 90 percent, fruit prices over 70 percent

The agricultural producer price level in May 2011 was 37.6 percent higher than a year ago – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In particular, the price level of plant...

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Is the Chips-tax unconstitutional?

The public health product tax, raises various legal issues – emphasizes Torsten Braner community lawyer, associate of the e|n|w|c Natlacen Walderdorff Cancola international law firm. The new law determines the...

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Dairy support: the EU approved the payment of the deposit

Brussels approved the advance payment of SAPS and the special dairy support. The Hungarian farmers can receive the deposit of SAPS from the second half of October. The European Commission...

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