Market News

Shopping cart with magnifier and self-service cash desk

Several exciting technological innovations occurred in the domestic shopping centers in recent years. The latest is the shopping cart with magnifier, but self-service cash desk, digital shelf labels can also...

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Szinapszis Kft.: we still not save on our health

According to a recent exploration; The economic crisis reduces the  health care costs the least. 95 percent of the adult population perceives the effects of the economic crisis, the majority...

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The Harvard University has “rehabilitated” the egg

The myth that egg is an unhealthy, “vascular killer” cholesterol bomb, seems to be false of which consumption should be avoided by all health-conscious people. Several studies have also shown...

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Vineyard farmers do not like the mild winter

According to experts; the mild winter weather causes problems in the cultivating of vineyards. There were problems caused by the mild winter weather experts to. Lőrincz György, wine producer of...

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GfK: American optimism prevails

Despite continuing high unemployment and a persistently challenging economy, a majority of Americans say they are optimistic about 2012 both in terms of the country as a whole (62%) as...

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Magazine: Nationwide ‘store census’ from January until the end of March

The colleagues from Nielsen will personally visit all food shops and HoReCa units in every town with a population above 10,000, where the managers or their representatives will fill out...

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The government would consolidate the Hungarian companies that are in difficult position

According to the Government, if it is necessary, a state help should be provided to those companies in trouble, that have prominent role in the domestic supply chain, purchasing agricultural...

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MAGOSZ discussing the person of the new Secretary of State

The Hungarian Federation of Farmers (MAGOSZ) initiate consultation with Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Minister Sándor Fazekas, in order to identify the person of the new Parliamentary Secretary of the...

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Sándor Fazekas: active agricultural diplomacy is needed to regain the lost markets

Only proactive actions will help to regain the markets, that were lost by the previous government. Therefore the Hungarian agricultural diplomacy in the forthcoming months will appear in several countries,...

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Central Europe: Poland is the cheapest, the most expensive is Slovakia

The journalists of the Világgazdaság have calculated how much one should pay in case of a family shopping in neighboring countries. Poland is the cheapest: the family shopping list was...

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OTP Bank was down

The Budapest Stock Exchange’s blue-chip BUX index opened Tuesday trade down 0.50% at 18,924.60. BSE blue-chips stood as follows at Tuesday’s opening bell: OTP Bank was down 0.99% at HUF...

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Ipsos: Telework is minimal in Hungary

In Hungary, 8 percent of employees work regularly or occasionally in telework, while a third of them are willing to work full time in this form – shows the international...

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High proportion of fake food in China

According to the report of China's quality control authority; more than 100 thousands cases were investigated in China over fake or substandard products last year. The total value of the...

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The fall of GKI-Erste economic sentiment continued this year as well

Consumer expectations have been declining for more than 15 months, whereas business expectations stagnated in the last quarter of 2011 following sharp deterioration lasting for eight months, but they fell...

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MKIK: mandatory chamber registration

At the special meeting of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK), the amendment need for the introduction of the mandatory chamber registration system. Parragh László, president of MKIK...

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Beekeepers expecting favourable world market prices

The demand and the world market price of honey is favourable: so in the case of adequate rainfall Hungarian beekeepers can expect a good year; currently the biggest problem is...

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Magazine: Typically only one kind of dressing ends up in the basket

GfK Hungária’s Consumer Scan reports that 90 percent of households bought some kind of dressing in September 2010-August 2011: 70-70 percent bought mustard and mayonnaise, while ketchup can be found...

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About 300 billion allocated to Darányi Ignác Plan

This year and next year, about 300 billion HUF will be given to the implementation of  the Darányi Ignác Plan. Of this amount the development and launch of the EU...

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The increase of cocoa at the commodity exchanges may continue in long-terms

The European and American chocolate consumption decline visualization fears again interrupted the increase of cocoa in the commodity exchanges, while the fall of euro zone continues to be a threat....

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Shops on wheels in the Czech Republic

The rural shops on wheels are enjoying theirrenaissance in the Czech Republic: the rolling shops that were launched due to the once-erratic food supply are became the target of the...

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The distillery of Győr expects higher revenues than last year

The Győri Szeszgyár és Finomító Zrt. Expects a 10 percent increase in revenue. Last year revenue was 7.5 billion HUF – told  Folláth György Chairman of the Board to MTI....

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Shopping tourism in Hungary shows a mixed picture

The shopping-tourism in the counties near the border showed a mixed picture over the past few weeks. The foreigners and Hungarians mainly go shopping to the other side of the...

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Winery training at the college of Eger

Eger’s well-known wineries developed e-learning winery materials for the Eszterházy Károly College in Eger with the support of the New Széchenyi Plan – informs the media referee of the institution....

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Meat Processors afraid of Hungarian meat market collapse

Due to the loss of the meat processors many companies can get into bankruptcy, the Hungarian meat market can even collapse – said Fazekas József, head of the Kelet-magyarországi Húsosok...

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Wages increased higher than expected a slowdown can come this year

Earnings increased higher than expected in November, but according to analysts; the growth dynamics will slow down this year, while the big question is, how will the employment develop. The...

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KSH: the quantity of harvested maize and sunflower increased significantly last year

Last year, the cereal yield was 1 million 493 thousand tonnes more than in the previous year, a total of 13.8 million tons of grain has grown – reports the...

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The European Commission will review the planting rights

The European Commission will establish a high-level advisory group in order to revise the system of the vineyard replanting rights to – announced Dacian Ciolos, Agriculture Commissioner in Berlin at...

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Czech authorities banned Polish eggs, due to animal welfare reasons

The Czech health authorities have banned the marketing of 420 thousand Polish eggs. In Prague, the Ministry of Agriculture spokesman said that the eggs came from farms that do not...

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The consumer protection authority introduces the national consumer product basket

After the positive list of businesses, the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) supports the dissemination of quality-conscious consumption with the introduction of national consumer goods basket – told Pintér István,...

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The number of new legal jobs significantly increased in last December

In last December, more than 10 thousand employers announced almost 33 thousand new jobs in Hungary, so compared to Novemberm, the number of new legal jobs increased by 11.1, compared...

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