Market News

Egg powder made of plants is marketed in the U.S.

A radical ‘artificial egg’ backed by Paypal billionaire Peter Thiel and Bill Gates goes on sale in US supermarkets for the first time on Wednesday. Made from plants, it can...

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KSH: a drop in agricultural producer prices in July

In July, due to a fall of fruit and grain prices – agricultural producer prices declined by 2.3 percent, compared to a year earlier – the Central Statistics Office (KSH)...

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The BKIK, OKISZ and the KISOSZ want officially fixed online communication fee

The Budapest Commerce and Industry (BKIK), the Hungarian Industrial Association (OKISZ) and the National Federation Traders and Caterers (KISOSZ) aims to represent the socio-economic interests of their members as well...

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Madosz: growing illegal cigarettes trade

Illegal cigarette sales are increasing and the black market of producer tobacco is getting stronger – the President of the Hungarian Tobacco Growers' Association (Madosz) said on Wednesday at a...

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Manpower: the Hungarian labor market is characterized by pessimism

Pessimism characterizes the Hungarian labor market: in the last quarter of 2013, 11 percent of the employers are planning redundancies, while 8 percent plans recruitment, and 69 percent of them...

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Nielsen: food retail trends in the second quarter

The Hungarian food retail turnover remained unchanged in the second quarter of this year, compared to the comparable period of the last year. The main reason is that the pace...

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KSH: lowest inflation since 1974

Annual inflation rate was lower than expected in August; 1.3 percent. It is the lowest level for almost 40 years. Lower inflation rate was measured last time in June 1974;...

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Varga Winery: 2013 will be the year of Hungarian species

Only the traditional Hungarian varieties could benefit from this year's weather, so if the weather will remain extreme in the following years, it can strengthen the market penetration of the...

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State guarantee for the distributors of online cash machines

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) undertakes a state guarantee for the distributors of online cash machines, to provide the best possible loan options for them. The ministry’s communication sent...

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NGM: another cash machine was marketed

A new, online cash register able to online data transfer has received marketing authorization, so those who obliged to cash register replacement can choose among fifteen machines – the Ministry...

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GfK: meat varieties on top of the popularity list

Our compatriots like and often prefer to consume meat. According to the datas of GfK Hungária, the poultry and pork consumption’s popularity is similar, while the popularity beef and venison...

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Cash registers: An up to 50 thousand forints support for 110 thousand cash registers

Until yesterday 189 thousand entrepreneurs asked the NAV for a registration code. This is 19 thousand more than was previously expected by the tax authorities. The NAV announced that 130...

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Less corn and sunflower grown in Vas county

Based on preliminary estimates, the corn and sunflower yields will be smaller in Vas county County, than in the past few years. Corn yields are expected to be 5-5.2 tonnes...

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The School Fruit Program continues

Half a million primary school pupils receive fresh fruits every second day from Monday in the scope of the National School Fruit Program. This year, the opportunity was extended to...

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High-quality Hungarian agricultural products have good chances on the Chinese market

China has a growing need for the import of agricultural and food products and Hungary has good chances on the Chinese market – Czerván György, Minister of State of the...

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The agricultural chambers of the V4-countries call on the decision-makers to support the biofuels

On the three day meeting of the Chambers of Agriculture leaders of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia (V4-countries), the representatives of agri-producers called on European policy makers to support...

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Another cartel case in the German food industry

The German Cartel Office is investigating on the sausages market this time after the investigations on the chocolate and potato market – the Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote. About two dozens of...

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Budapest appreciated thanks to the low cost flights

Budapest appreciated: Hungary’s capital has been included among Europe's ten most attractive tourist destinations. Budapest has popularity especially among the foreign young people – the head of one of the...

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Tobacconists are panicking that they shouléd indicate the price of cigarettes per pieces

A minor panic broke out among the tobacconists, since some news spread that the consumer protection agency fines if tobacconist do not indicate the price per cigarette. The National Tobacco...

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The key objective of rural development will be a build-up Short Food Supply Chains

One of the priorities of rural development is the establishment of Short Food Supply Chains in the EU budgetary period between 2014-2020, which means the reduction of the distance between...

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The OTP would increase its agricultural credit placements by an annual average of 10-15 percent

The OTP Bank aims to become a leader in the agricultural lending market in the following years. The bank would increase its agricultural credit placements by an annual average of...

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According to the Hungarian government, the retail surplus tax did not violate the directive on Value Added Tax

The Government argues that the burden on retail activity violated the directive on the common value added tax, because the tax does not present any of the four characteristics of...

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HENT: counterfeiting causes a serious damage to the quarter of the companies

In Hungary, a quarter of firms are badly affected by counterfeiting, but most of them are doing nothing to prevent it – the recent research of the National Anti-Counterfeiting Committee...

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Fish production: the target is 30 thousand tons

The task is to increase the current annual 20 thousand tons of fish production in Hungary to 30 thousand tons gradually. EU support can be also used as well –...

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Fazekas Sándor appointed a Ministerial Commissioner responsible for the renewal of the grape and wine industry

Fazekas Sándor Minister for Rural Development appointed Kiss Eliza to Ministerial Commissioner, who will be responsible for the renewal of the wine communities and for the development of the grape...

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Analysts expect growing retail trade

Analysts, interviewed by MTI expect growing retail trade. The National Economy Ministry shares the same view. According to the Wednesday report of the Central Statistics Office (KSH), the calendar-adjusted volume...

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Hungary is 63rd in the competitiveness rankings

Hungary is 63rd in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Competitiveness rankings published every year. The 63rd place is three places lower than in the last year – the Kopint-Tárki...

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The special retail tax does not discriminate foreign companies, but can harm the EU’s VAT directive

According to the Competent Advocate General of the European Court of Justice, the special tax, imposed on retail companies in Hungary does not discriminate the foreign companies, however, it can...

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Euro zone’s GDP increased in the second quarter

Compared to the first quarter, Euro zone’s GDP increased in the second quarter, while it was decreased compared to a year earlier – the EU's statistical office, the Eurostat published...

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Hungarian pepper cultivation faces growth

The Hungarian pepper cultivation has positive outlooks. The 170 thousand tons of production may rise further next year. The development supports and the use of thermal energy can help to...

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