News and articles

The European Court of Justice can decide whether the shops passed the price cap

Spar filed a complaint with the European Union regarding the Hungarian government’s retail measures. According to the Netherlands-based company, the special retail tax and the price cap contradict the EU...

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How to find the best Hungarian brands? The MagyarBrands Programme will help you!

The MagyarBrands Programme has been assessing Hungarian brands for fourteen years. Its logo is a trademark that marks only the best Hungarian brands. This article is available for reading in...

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Gábor Békefi will retire from the head of Dreher Breweries in August

After nearly 7 years, the CEO of Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt., Gábor Békefi, is retiring. Under his management, the company’s product portfolio changed radically, efficiency and market share in the key...

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Bottles with a deposit? There is still a lot of packaging waste in the food industry

With the appearance of the first deposit-fee bottles, the transition period started, which lasts until the end of summer, when the same product is even available in two different packages....

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Bicycle tourism is improving in Hungary

Compared to the previous year, 20% more people, nearly 1.35 million, used the bicycle transport options on Hungarian railways. The new tariff system, which was introduced on March 1, brought...

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Food waste can be reduced with this method

The “6 to 1” shopping method popularized by New York chef Will Coleman, whose essence is to choose six vegetables, five fruits, four protein sources, three starches, two sauces and...

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The Croatian government limits the prices of 30 basic foods

At its meeting on Thursday, the Croatian government adopted its sixth comprehensive package of measures developed to alleviate the crisis caused by the rise in living costs, with which it...

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EXIM: the momentum of the Gábor Baross Loan Program is unbroken

The momentum of the Gábor Baross Loan Program is unbroken, in just two months, Hungarian businesses signed loan agreements worth more than HUF 139 billion, the 200 billion HUF surplus...

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Johnnie Walker X DRK prize game

On 8 March, International Women’s Day, Johnnie Walker is partnering with Dorko to launch the inspiring “Break the Boundaries” campaign. The brand’s aim is to inspire women to dare to...

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Foodwatch questions the healthiness of plant-based meat substitutes

A „Veganuary” alkalmából a Foodwatch fogyasztóvédelmi szervezet 15 tisztán növényi alapú húshelyettesítő terméket vett górcső alá. Az eredmény: e termékek egészségessége meglehetősen ellentmondásos. This article is available for reading in Trade...

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The European Commission launches an investigation against AliExpress

The European Commission has initiated a special investigation against the Chinese online trading platform AliExpress, as it was suspected of violating the Digital Services Act. According to the Brussels body,...

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Red Bull is coming up with a new, limited product

Red Bull is expanding its range for the young generation with its latest summer edition drink, the soft drink named “Curuba Elderflower”. In addition to passion fruit and peach flavors,...

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foodora is the first in Europe to launch Drone Food Delivery

Foodora has announced that it will start pioneering drone food delivery in Sweden in partnership with the companies Tele2 and Aerit. This is the first time drone technology has been...

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MTÜ: a legtöbb belföldi turista Pest vármegyéből indult útnak tavaly

Last year, guests spent more than 19 million guest nights in rural accommodations, most of whom traveled from the Pest county, the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) announced based on data...

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Our agricultural cooperation with Uganda can be further strengthened

The conclusion of an agricultural cooperation agreement can further strengthen our country’s agricultural relations with Uganda and pave the way for investors in the African country, said Minister István Nagy,...

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The Future Has Arrived – An Asset Management Yearbook that both evaluates and forecasts

Perhaps there has never been as much change in the world of asset management as in 2023. Prepared: 2024. Global challenges, inflations, wars, the stagnation of normally successful sectors, the...

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Banana cultivation faces global challenges

The World Banana Forum (WBF), the global forum of the United Nations (UN) dealing with banana production and sales, met in Rome this week. The purpose of the forum was...

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McDonald’s IT system failed in several countries

A core IT system at McDonald’s has failed, causing technical problems at many restaurants in Japan, Australia and Hong Kong. In the Hong Kong network of the franchise, for example,...

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NAV: the rules for sales must also be observed on the marketplaces of social networking sites

A man sold gold jewelry owned by his father’s company without an invoice or receipt on social media platforms; following an inspection by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV),...

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EU agency: climate risks require urgent action

The climate risks experienced in Europe require urgent action, as prolonged droughts pose a significant threat to crop production, food security and drinking water supply, the European Environmental Protection Agency...

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Even stricter rules apply to the import of Ukrainian honey, eggs and poultry

The European Parliament tightened the import of agricultural products from Ukraine, extending the restrictions to poultry, sugar, eggs, as well as cereals and honey. The purpose of the decision is...

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Farmers can give their comments to the European Commission until April 8

 The Ministry of Agriculture is fighting with all possible means in Brussels to simplify the EU rules of the Common Agricultural Policy. Now it’s the farmers’ turn to directly indicate to...

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Agrometeorology: there is a chance for a cold wave and night frosts next week as well

The vegetation that developed 3-4 weeks before the usual time survived last week’s cold wave without any serious frosts, but the cold air masses of arctic origin are not far...

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Target to launch paid membership program to rival Amazon Prime, Walmart+

Target Circle 360 will cost $99 a year and comes as the retailer plans 300 new stores in the coming decade. Target on April 7 plans to debut Target Circle...

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Bimbo, PepsiCo make most ethical companies list

The Ethisphere Institute has named Grupo Bimbo de CV, Ingredion and PepsiCo as 3 of the 136 companies in 2024 to excel in ethical business practices. Since 2007, Ethisphere has...

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Gen Z Consumers ‘Behave Like Boomers’ When Grocery Shopping: Study

Some 59% of Generation Z consumers prefer to shop for groceries in-store rather than online, a similar  percentage to those in the Baby Boomer generation, a new study by Clear...

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Let’s keep water in the landscape! NAK is conducting a survey among more than ten thousand farmers operating in low-lying areas

The network of village farmers of the National Chamber of Agriculture conducts a national water demand survey in March. The aim of the survey to be carried out on behalf of...

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Are there really many chemicals in Hungarian food?

Consumers have always demanded cheap, high-quality and preferably chemical-free vegetables and fruits. However, this is often a challenge for agribusiness actors: creating a balance between increasing production efficiency, keeping prices...

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The MOL Group’s sustainability plan is ambitious

Focusing on the future, the Mol Group has set itself ambitious plans in the field of sustainability. According to their updated long-term strategy, called SHAPE TOMORROW, the company will spend...

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Our country’s agricultural relations with Kenya continue to strengthen

Africa can be the world’s largest global food producer, and our country must take advantage of its potential, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Mithika Linturi, Kenya’s...

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