News and articles

Commerce is continuously developing automation technology and artificial intelligence

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the trade sector has been undergoing a change of era characterized by enormous challenges. The years of the coronavirus gave digitalization a huge boost...

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The deadline for all companies employing more than 50 people is approaching

How should the corporate whistleblowing system be set up and run well? What should companies pay attention to during this? How will a report be investigated? Among other things, two...

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Investors pay bigger attention to sustainability considerations

According to a KPMG study, businesses seeking international investors have to consciously prepare for building a sustainable company, in accordance with environment, social and governance (ESG) aspects. This article is...

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Agroinform held a conference on the experiences of soy cultivation

In order to increase our self-sufficiency and take advantage of our guaranteed GMO-free benefits, Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, encouraged Hungarian farmers to increase the areas...

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Perwoll also participated in the Sustainable Fashion Day

A special themed event took place on October 7 with the participation of prominent representatives of the Hungarian fashion industry. This year, for the first time – but hopefully in...

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Kőbánya presents its unique face as an employer

With the goal of creating a tradition, the Kőbánya Career Festival will be held for the first time on November 8, 2023, the mission of which is to present Kőbánya’s...

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MNB: the vacancy rate increased in the first half of the year in the domestic commercial real estate market, but the real estate stock may expand

A rising vacancy rate characterized the first half of the year in the office market and the industrial-logistics market, in the following period, as a result of the ongoing developments,...

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Coca-Cola is an official partner of the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship™

UEFA and Coca-Cola today announced that Coca-Cola will be the Official Partner of UEFA EURO 2024™ in Germany. The continental tournament will be an opportunity for Coca-Cola to bring to...

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MTÜ: professional tourism has also picked up in the Hungarian capital

Professional tourism will be the driving force of the sector in autumn, the market for business events, conferences and congresses has gained momentum, where, along with May, October is the...

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Együttműködik a WWF Magyarország és a K&H

Az emberi tevékenység következtében napjainkra a szárazföldi és édesvízi természetes élőhelyek közel 80%-a átalakult vagy eltűnt, ez pedig a biológiai sokszínűség csökkenésén is látszik. Az Európai Unió célul tűzte ki, hogy...

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Companies are vulnerable to cyber attacks – international survey

On average, companies had to deal with more than 40 attempted cyberattacks last year, and one successful break-in can cause up to $4 million in damage, according to an international...

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The image of Hunguest Hotels has been renewed

Hunguest Hotels, Hungary’s leading wellness hotel brand, is introducing a new design. The renewed image expresses even more the uniqueness of the services typical of the hotel chain: the special...

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Tense dilemmas in the regulation of European agriculture

Environmental sustainability is one of the most difficult topics of our time from a civilizational point of view. Although we deal a lot with the feasibility of sustainable development at the...

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Scary recipes for Halloween

No matter how much we like it or hate it, Halloween is undoubtedly a great opportunity to relax together with the children or our friends in the gray autumn weather....

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Local products must play a prominent role

With local products, the transportation route of food can be reduced, and the producer, the processor and the consumer are not only physically “close” to each other, but a relationship...

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Richárd Tarnai: the authorities will take action against those who serve alcohol to minors

Violations of catering industry units and commercial units of supermarket chains have significantly decreased in Pest county in recent years thanks to the series of inspections by the consumer protection...

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In the center is the fallow land covered with soil

Next year, the conditions for fallow areas with soil cover that can be accounted for in HMKÁ 8 will be changed. Therefore, farmers should pay special attention to the crop...

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The world market price of corn has decreased

According to Tallage, the world market price of corn fell between September 9 and October 5 due to the arrival of the American crop on the market, the record volume...

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Hungary’s GMO-free status must be maintained

Hungary’s GMO-free status and its right to be able to decide on this issue in a sovereign way, to protect Hungarian agriculture and the health of consumers, must be preserved...

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Social media users are 46% more receptive to online ads

Insights platform Kantar has found that frequent users of social media are much more likely to be positively disposed to online advertising compared to the average adult. Notably, among those...

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Dino Polska To Acquire 75% Equity Stake In eZebra

Dino Polska has agreed to acquire a 75% equity stake in online drugstore retailer eZebra.     Dino Polska has received the consent of its supervisory board to acquire the...

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Tyson Foods partners with insect protein startup to develop ingredient facility

The meat giant will work with Protix to construct a plant dedicated to insect protein items in the U.S., for use in pet food, aquaculture and livestock production. Tyson Foods...

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African swine fever is getting closer to Hungary’s southern border

In the middle of October, the presence of African swine fever (ASP) in domestic pig herds was confirmed in the Eszék-Baranya county in Croatia, bordering Hungary. Since the start of the...

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The population’s ability to pay improved slightly due to falling inflation

The solvency of Hungarian households increased slightly compared to the previous quarter, which was primarily due to falling inflation, according to the new solvency report of Intrum and GKI. However,...

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OPTEN: focus is again on liquidations

Technical stagnation in September, expected decrease in the number of companies in October. Moderate willingness to start a company, the number of new companies below the seasonal level. Again, the...

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Advertising tax may be postponed again

According to a recent announcement by the Hungarian Advertising Association, positive negotiations are also taking place this year between János Gulyás and the prime minister’s chief of staff, Antal Rogán,...

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In November, GfK’s consumer sentiment index in Germany continued to deteriorate

According to the GfK economic research institute, consumer sentiment in Germany deteriorated for the third consecutive month in November, and no improvement can be expected until the end of the...

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We can expect brutal apple prices

This year, we can expect a medium apple harvest, which is expected to be between 450 and 550 thousand tons. This means a slight decrease compared to the long-term average...

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Papírozzuk le!

A háztartási papírtörlők, annak ellenére, hogy textilkendőkkel könnyen helyettesíthető termékek, továbbra is nagy népszerűségnek örvendenek. Az emberek előszeretettel alkalmazzák őket takarítás során, de a nyári grillszezonnak is elengedhetetlen kellékei. Azonban egyre...

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German politicians call for slashing taxes on plant-based milks

In Germany cow’s milk is taxed at a lower rate than milk substitutes, and the SPD and the Greens wish to change this. This article is available for reading in...

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