News and articles

The European Commission extends the authorization of glyphosate for ten years

The European Commission extends the authorization for the use of glyphosate-containing plant protection products within the European Union for ten years under certain new conditions and restrictions based on the...

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The Waberer’s group expects significant growth in its updated strategy in the coming years

In its updated strategy, the Waberer’s Group expects to become the number one complex logistics service provider in the Central and Eastern European region by 2027, and its sales revenue...

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Új összefogáskampány indul a Magyar Termék védjegyes árucikkek népszerűsítésére

Újabb összefogáskampánnyal népszerűsíti partnerei védjegyes árucikkeit a Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. A hazaiban több van szlogennel indított több hónapos akciósorozat első etapja novemberben lesz, és 15 márka részvételével zajlik. A közösségi marketing eszközeit...

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K&H gives extras for using a bank card

Cash-saving payment solutions mean savings for everyone. Digital payment is not only convenient and fast, but also saves money. K&H will refund part of the money spent in a new...

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Here is the latest Economic Survey of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce

The generally weak economic situation also has a negative effect on the business mood of German companies in Hungary. This is revealed by the latest survey of the German-Hungarian Chamber...

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Coca-Cola Creations Y3000

A Coca-Cola Creations Zero Cukor Y3000 Limitált kiadás az első kólaíz a jövőből. Ez az első Coke, amelyet a mesterséges intelligenciával közösen készítettek, és amely egy optimista jövőképet mutat a...

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Lissé Édésséggyár Kft. recalled several Nyírfacukor salon sugars

Lissé Édésséggyár Kft. has recalled the “Nyírfacukor salonkukor – various flavors” products due to product deterioration within the shelf life – read on the website of the National Food Chain...

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Highly pathogenic bird flu has been confirmed in another county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in the county of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok. The liquidation of the affected stock...

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Agrometeorology: the Great Plain has inland areas and water shortages at the same time

For a while, the mild, rainy weather that lasted for weeks was favorable for autumn sowing, but in the Great Plains, the seepage cannot keep up with the rainfall on...

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Ahold Delhaize USA selling FreshDirect to Getir

The food retail giant said it is offloading the grocery e-commerce service to focus on omnichannel. Ahold Delhaize USA announced Wednesday that it plans to sell its FreshDirect online grocery service...

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AM: more conscious management is the future of field crop production

In arable crop cultivation, it is important to differentiate the production structure, grow more specialized marketable varieties, it is necessary to manage input materials more consciously, and in less favorable...

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Australian children exposed to aggressive marketing on ultra-processed food, new study finds

Widespread, unregulated marketing techniques targeting Australian children on the packaging of unhealthy and ultra-processed foods (UPF) have been unraveled by a recently released study by researchers at the Australian George...

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Danone strikes deal with plant-based infant-formula company Else Nutrition

Danone will produce and commercialise Else Nutrition’s products in Europe. French dairy giant Danone has agreed to collaborate with Else Nutrition, a supplier of plant-based infant-formula products in Canada. Vancouver-headquartered...

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Rabies was detected in a cattle from the counties of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

A grazed beef cattle died of rabies on November 13, 2023, in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. The infection was also confirmed by the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety...

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The latest issue of Trade magazine is out now!

The digital version is available with more content once again, and can be read by clicking on the front page below. In the November issue of Trade magazine, we start...

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The first Marketing Trendbook has been published!

What is the Marketing Trendbook? Compass in business and social value creation. The Hungarian marketing profession has been enriched with this unique publication, which is expected to be published every...

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The 7 most important e-commerce trends in 2024

The eCommerce landscape is in constant flux. Changes are influenced by technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors. It can be tempting to stick to familiar practices and mindsets. However, understanding...

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This is the easiest way to help the needy at Christmas

From Friday to Sunday, the biggest food collection campaign of the year will take place organized by the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület. A total of 6,500 volunteers will collect the donations...

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After the tao, companies can offer a part of the clipper

The “Council of Neta Wise Men” was established; According to Márius Révész, the board is the guarantee that the approximately HUF 8.5 billion offering is used effectively. Companies liable for...

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The Alpha generation will be the most entrepreneurial so far

The children of the Alpha generation (those born or to be born between 2010 and 2025) imagine a much smoother, more comfortable world that can transform local communities and change...

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The rise of the Y and Z generations is becoming more and more spectacular

The popularity of the younger generations – Y and Z – is increasing, contrary to the declining company trend, their weight is constantly increasing. The number of Baby Boom and...

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K&H: The number of companies going out of business has increased, the spirit of entrepreneurship has declined

By September, the number of newly registered sole proprietors and joint ventures decreased by more than a tenth compared to the same period last year, while the number of closing...

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The United Nations Development Program is fighting the climate crisis together with leading PR professionals

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has signed a declaration with the International Communications Consultancy Organization (ICCO), a global alliance of PR agencies, on the fight against the climate crisis...

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More than ten million – MOL has reached a milestone in coffee sales

MOL, which is one of the largest coffee chains in the country, also achieved a significant achievement on an industrial level: the ten millionth coffee was sold this year in...

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Rabbit meat is rare in Hungary

Rabbit meat is a traditionally popular ingredient in Hungary, and can be excellently used fried, fried or roasted. High-quality rabbit fillets, rabbit shoulder blades and rabbit liver can be special...

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KPMG: Support for emerging technologies increased fourfold this year

Keeping up with evolving technology trends remains vital to business growth. Despite global economic uncertainty, business leaders remain committed to their digital transformation and innovation priorities – emerging technologies are...

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Most Hungarian entrepreneurs fear a decrease in income

he majority of Hungarian entrepreneurs are most afraid of a decrease in income and consider it a big challenge to raise operating costs. A serious problem is high stress and...

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Live pine fair and affordable holiday products at Auchan

The preparations for Advent will soon begin, but now perhaps the price is becoming more and more decisive when purchasing festive decorations and menus. However, Auchan guarantees with its wide...

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RetailZoom: A vásárlói hűség a mentőöv az inflációs válság idején

A RetailZoom ügyvezető igazgatója, Andreas Christou a Business Daysen elhangzott idei prezentációjában a már megszokott piaci áttekintésen túl a résztvevők fókuszát tágítani igyekezvén a számok és trendek mellett arról is...

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Antónia Erős and The Voice on the same stage on Egy Csepp World Day

Antónia Erős and her foundation are waiting for young and old with new, special programs on One Drop World Day on Sunday, November 19 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m....

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