News and articles

Here is the new book of the Lidl kitchen, with Tamás Széll

Lidl Hungary’s cookbook series debuted nearly a decade ago, and with more than three million copies, it is considered a true success story in Hungarian gastronomy. The latest, ninth volume...

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Zsófia Benedek: localization does not necessarily automatically mean environmental sustainability

Biologist and economist Zsófia Benedek highlighted the role of local foods in sustainable food production at the Science Festival of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In the presentation, Zsófia Benedek...

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SPAR is preparing for the holidays with 800 tons of hot dogs and budget-friendly solutions

Compared to other periods of the year, SPAR expects a 15-30 percent higher turnover before Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and is waiting for customers with budget-friendly holiday offers. The...

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Karcsúsodik, de zöldül a gyümölcslé

Az elmúlt időszak egyik legfontosabb trendje a gyümölcslépiacon is a fogyasztók egészségtudatosságának erősödése, mely igényt a gyártók különböző releváns innovációkkal, megoldásokkal igyekeznek kielégíteni. Mindemellett megfigyelhető a csökkentett cukortartalmú, valamint hozzáadott...

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Are you lactose intolerant or vegan? You can eat these delicacies with confidence

According to domestic data, milk sugar sensitivity, also known as lactose intolerance, now affects one in three Hungarians. It is no wonder, then, that domestic dairy product manufacturers try to...

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Mastercard is launching a Green Friday campaign to draw attention to conscious spending

Mastercard is launching the Green Friday campaign ahead of the upcoming holiday shopping season in order to raise awareness of environmentally conscious shopping in cooperation with its partners. In addition...

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From the proceeds of the Pink mix, Eisberg supported the Mellrákinfo Association again this year

October is breast cancer awareness month worldwide. Three years ago, Eisberg Hungary Kft. created the Pink mix salad and vegetable mix, with which the company supports the work of the...

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The largest food collection in the country is a near-record result

The largest food collection in the country ended with a record-breaking result, 342 thousand kilos of donations were received at the weekend campaign of the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Customers...

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Már Japánban is kapható a Heineken 0.0

Október közepétől már Japánban is megtalálható az üzletek polcain a Heineken 0.0. Ezzel 2017-es bevezetése óta immár a világ 110 piacára jutott el. A Heineken 0.0 bővíti a fogyasztási alkalmak...

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A népegészségügyi termékadó egy része közvetlenül felajánlható aktív életmódprogramokra

Lehetőség nyílt arra, hogy a népegészségügyi termékadóra (neta) kötelezett cégek a befizetéseik 10 százalékát az aktív életmódot és a napi testmozgást elősegítő programokra és fejlesztésekre ajánlhassák fel – jelentette be...

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For more than a decade and a half, CSR Hungary has been awarding responsible businesses and organizations

Corporate responsibility and sustainability are topics that are increasingly becoming the focus of attention these days. And the burgeoning external regulations encourage companies to pay even more attention to corporate...

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Expert: Drone technology is conquering more and more areas here, and strict regulation serves traffic safety purposes

To this day, the drone society is very divided by the so-called “drone law” adopted two years ago, which introduced stricter rules than ever before. Although anyone can still fly...

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The average producer price of raw milk is 23 percent less than a year ago

According to AKI PÁIR data, the national average producer price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 156.73/kilogram in October 2023. In addition to a 0.01 percentage point improvement in...

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Waitrose to use AI to offer personalised online shopping

Waitrose has invested in delivering personalised online shopping to its customers by using AI. The upmarket grocer has struck a partnership with Netcore Unbxd, which will see it implement a...

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In contrast to real estate investments, investments coming to Hungary set another record

The real estate investment turnover decreased significantly this year, the global real estate development market closed a weak year this year, and the Hungarian market fell the least in the...

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No more plastic labels on Actimel bottles in Germany

Danone in Germany is removing the plastic label tape from Actimel yoghurt bottles with immediate effect. The company’s aim with this step is to save around 300 tonnes of plastic...

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Mushrooms are a true superfood that can be found in any diet

Mushrooms are a superfood that can be included in any diet. It is no coincidence that ingredients with a specific taste are increasingly appearing on Hungarian plates. According to the joint...

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Amazon’s packaging in Europe is now recyclable

All boxes, bags and envelopes used by Amazon for deliveries in Europe are now recyclable. The company also states that an increasing number of products are being sent to customers...

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Highly pathogenic bird flu has also appeared in Békés county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) detected the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in a sample taken from a poultry farm in Békés...

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Yettel is currently launching the most advanced version of the 5G network for its customers

Yettel was the first in Hungary – and the leader in the world – to make stand-alone 5G technology available to its customers in a publicly available offer. The essence...

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Unicum/Unicum Plum/Unicum Barista 0,7 l + 2 db mini paper gift box

The Unicum product family is the perfect gift for anyone this Christmas too, as the range will be available in two different gift packs on store shelves. The 0.5l pack...

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Euromonitor International: 6 global consumer trends from 2024

The annual report reveals emerging trends that provide insights into consumers’ evolving values and explores how their behaviour is redefining their shopping motivations and needs. It examines how the impact of Artificial...

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Hungarians plan to spend HUF 11,000 more this Christmas

Compared to last year, Hungarians plan to spend HUF 11,000 more at Christmas, and this year the price of the gift is a less important aspect, a new research revealed....

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In October, the prices of food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products still rose the most in the EU

In October, as previously announced, the annual inflation rate in the euro area moderated – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced the final data on Friday. Annual...

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The mandatory deposit return system will be introduced in Hungarian stores from January

We are barely past the first data provision of the EPR system, but the following regulation is already here: the mandatory redemption system, otherwise known as the DRS system. The...

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Meki customers can help with unique fashion accessories

Charity gloves modeled after the legendary Mekis fries are now available in all McDonald’s restaurants in the country. The domestic restaurant chain donated the entire net sales revenue from the...

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The first autumn seasonal inspection was successfully completed

The first autumn seasonal food chain inspection, which was ordered by Márton Nobilis, the state secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy, has ended. In connection with the...

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At Kifli, 6 percent of couriers earn more than HUF 1 million net, the Budapest-based online supermarket, has introduced a new bonus system that allows couriers to earn over one million forints a month if they perform well. Based on the earnings...

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Two Hungarian cities are also at the forefront when it comes to beer prices

Hungary stands proudly on the podium of European beer prices, where Debrecen and Szeged shine with two excellent performances. In the compilation of the British Numbeo, which ranks European tourist...

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We may be protesting, but soon we’ll all be eating insects

Insect proteins represent an outstanding nutritional value, while hardly burdening the environment. However, people on our continent still face challenges in accepting foods made from insects. Recognizing the potential of...

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