News and articles

Responsible advertising of food industry

A new Federal Trade Commission report finds that the nation's largest food and beverage companies spent about $1.6 billion in 2006 to market products to children and teenagers.  The report,...

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Chocolate got more expensive in the US

The wholesale prices are an average of 10% higher, and it's almost inevitable that consumers will pay the toll soon when they buy candy at the grocery store.  The prices...

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Winner at Arena Gold Medal Competition

The game began at 1. June, everybody who bought over HUF 2,000 get a ticket with a number, what could open the huge Arena safe with the Arena Gold Medal...

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Brewer Carlsberg to Unify Its Ex-Soviet Ops

Danish brewer Carlsberg wants to unite its operations in the CIS, including major East European asset and top Russian brewer Baltika.   Carlsberg this year hooked up with Dutch peer...

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Farmers sell in front of CBA stores

The Members of Hungarian Growers and their Associations could offer their products direct to the consumers. According to the agreement the farmers sell their fresh fruits and vegetables outside of...

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Hungarian design works at Electrolux Design Lab 08

Two Hungarian students are in the final, the winner will be named on 9th October in Zurich. The winner get 5,000 euros and a job as practicant in one of...

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European economy contracts

Gross domestic product fell by 0.2pc in the eurozone. The fall compared with GDP growth of 0.7pc in the first quarter, and provides further evidence that the worst of the...

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Garlic from Mako – price dropped

Because of the good weather the crop is better in value and also in volume. The price pro kilo is the half as the waited HUF 400. Normally 70% of...

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Record profit at Wal-Mart

The world's largest retailer, said second-quarter profit rose 17% to USD 3.45 billion, the sales was 10% higher as a year before. Second-quarter net income climbed to $US3.45 billion, revenue...

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Information point for consumer protection in WestEnd City Center Mall

The invent of the WestEnd Consumer's circle want to build up a fast, uniform system with high level of consumers' trust that could be an example throughout the country.  ...

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New orders of the branches of manufacturing increased by 2.6%

In June 2008, the industrial gross output decreased by 0.3% compared to June 2007. In the first six months of 2008, the volume of the production was higher by 5.6%...

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Aggregate grains crop is expected to be over 16 million tonnes

Hungary is likely to produce a record maize harvest this year, it could exceed 8 million tonnes. The maize crop last year dropped to just over 4 million tonnes due...

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Tesco plastic bags go under the counter in green move

The retail giant has introduced a “bag on request” scheme at its larger “Extra” hypermarket stores, where bags are kept out of sight under the tills and only given out...

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Huge International Investments in Romanian Retail

International retailers continued to expand in Romania, investing over E160m on store openings in the first six months of 2008. The hypermarkets and discount chains were the most dynamic segments....

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Mastercard B2B campagne in 25 Hungarian cities

The credit card company's ad campagne started in August and try to increase the numbers of card accepters with DM and PR tools.   After a short phone call about...

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Reconcilation about price of apple on sector level

On next Monday the ministry of Agriculture and the minister himself mediate between apple growers and processors. The high level of meeting is necessery because the farmers and the representatives...

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GfK Expands European Network

The GfK Group has acquired a 26% stake in UK agriculture and animal health research specialist dmrkynetec, increased its holding in GfK Danmark in Denmark, and formed GfK Albania to...

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Meat products price grow over average

In June 2008 the producer price level of agricultural products was 21.6% higher than in June 2007. More specifically, the price level of crops and horticultural products increased by 20.5%...

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Less wine were sold, the prices are higher

According to GfK research company the most sold wine were the table wines, but year to year more quality wines are consumpted. 52% of Hungarian households bought some kind of...

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Dynamic Hungarian MS Companies

The common analysis of Coface Hungary and Financial Daily Vilaggazdasag found several hounderts of fast growing Hungarian enterprises.   The base of the analysis was the dynamic growing index by...

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The Czech shopping centre boom comes to end

The boom in shopping centre construction in the Czech Republic is coming to an end, according to the international consultancy firm DTZ. The shopping mall market in Prague and many...

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SPAR Èeská open 4 new stores

SPAR Ceska, operates 27 Interspar hypermarkets and 4 Spar supermarkets in the CzechRep, last year reduced loss to Kc412.2m from 2006's Kc574.7m on sales Kc1bn higher on the year at...

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Special birthday presents by Auchan in Russia

French retailer Auchan, operating in Russia since 28 August of 2002, has sent out a letter to all its contractors inviting them to celebrate the 6th birthday of Auchan in...

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Compared to the previous month food prices decreased by 0.7%

In July 2008 consumer prices rose by 0.1% compared to the previous month and increased by 6.7% compared to July 2007. In the first seven months of 2008 the average...

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Drink sales throughout the country by Reál Hungaria Drink

The new company was estabilished by 8 biggest Hungarian Drink Whole retailer and the Reál chain, from 15th September its leader is Istvan Seregély, formal domestic and import supplier manager....

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New Leader at CBA

Zoltán Noszlopy works for CBA since 2001, last year's end he became supplier manager, this year in February sales manager and from now he is the new chief executive officer...

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Danish Netto to build up internet business in UK

The discount supermarket chain is considering launching a limited online offer within two years as part of plans to create a £1 billion UK business.  The Danish grocer is mooting...

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Palinka tour finished

Csaba Vasi, the member of Hungarian Palinka Order, cycled 2300 km in two weeks and met 37 palinka distillers. The tour finished on 9th August in Ozora, where the order...

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Tesco Kipa opens store in Istanbul

A joint venture of supermarket chains British Tesco and Turkish Kipa, opens its first store in Istanbul.   Tesco Kipa's store is the chain's 28th hypermarket in Turkey. The new...

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Sales of organic products decreased in UK

Fresh food costs nearly 11 per cent more than a year ago and shoppers seem to be losing their taste for expensive organic produce, with sales down. Demand for them...

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