News and articles

Consumer expectations continue to deteriorate

According to the GKI Consumer Confidence Index, consumers continued to get more pessimistic in April. Consumer confidence has been deteriorating since the winter of 2008. Expectations regarding unemployment in the...

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Erdei Termékek

Who would fail to remember the classic Erdei Rermék brand? The brand is to get new packaging now....

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Signal Style-Tech fogkefe

Developed to clean those parts of our mouths which are difficult to reach. Owing to its unique metal handle, its long neck allows us to reach all areas inside our...

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Conference about free time

The average Hungarian consumer is a workaholic, working even in his/her free time, which means that free time has become more precious than money or commodities. According to the findings...

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Completa opening on line café

An on line café was opened by Completa in April at the web site, where a lot of information is available about the brand and the products. Recipes of...

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Faster than average growth in sales of insecticides

The market of insecticides expanded by 11 percent in terms of value in the March 2008-February 2009 period, compared to the preceding 12 months, with retail sales exceeding HUF 3.5...

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Euro zone slowing down as well

GDP was down by 1.6 percent in the Euro zone countries in the last quarter of 2008, compared to the third quarter, which was more than the anticipated 1.5 percent...

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Zemplén-Hús Kft. located in Sátoraljaújhely, which is 120 years old this year will celebrate its birthday by a complete modernisation of packaging solutions....

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SNICKERS is a delicious „fuel” full of peanuts which fills kids up with energy and helps them in keeping up with their friends. Agency: BBDO Budapest Zrt. Customer: Mars Magyarország...

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Changing Synergon image

Synergon which turned into a holding company last year has began to .transform its image. The most apparent sign of change is the new logo with new colours which is...

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Sales at U.S. retailers declined less than expected in March in a sign that shoppers may be regaining confidence to open their wallets after more than a year of recession....

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Demand shifting towards insect repellents with lower environmental impact

As long as insects will continue to exist, insect repellents will have a stable market. However, demand is shifting towards products which have a smaller impact on our environment. As...

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We are first in terms of insolvency in EU

According to Zoltán Dercze, director of Coface Hungary, we have the highest percentage of insolvent companies inside the EU. One out of 24 companies existing in January, will not survive...

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Orbit Professional Mints erdei gyümölcs

Now a new flavour has been added to the popular Orbit Professional Mints product range!...

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Retro 2

When I began writing this article, the EUR was worth HU 315. When I finished writing, it was worth HUF 293. So much about our ability to make plans. Then...

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Mobile bar by Poplart

A prize winning Austrian product has been added to the assortment offered by Poplart BTL Kommunikációs Ügynökség. The JUSTINCASE mobile bar fits in a bag and can be assembled without...

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The industry behind food safety

Companies providing the background for food safety have developed a number of innovative technologies which allow food to be tracked from farmlands to our tables. One of the key elements...

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Mainly domestic chains advertising insecticides

According to the GfK Leaflet Monitor, 450 advertisements of insecticides were published in leaflets circulated by retail chains in 2008. Only two of these were private labels. Domestic retail chains...

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Industrial statistics continue to worsen

Industrial production was down by 25.4 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008 and by 4.1 percent compared to January 2009. As a result of a...

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Visszazárható tasakok a Monditól

A production technology which is unique in Central Eastern Europe allows products to retain their freshness for a longer period even after opening of the packaging....

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Buying local products voluntarily

Following many months of negotiations, a code of ethics has been signed by the representatives of retailers, farmers and processing enterprises which will become effective on 1. July. According to...

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Always promoting learning

Always is to launch a scholarship scheme for young people from poor families which is intended to help them in accessing higher education. Applications for the HUF 150,000 per year...

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Food safety on the agenda of KRIMINALEXPO IT-SEC

Effective measures against the most dangerous forms of counterfeit among food and pharmaceutical products will be a priority topic at this year’s KRIMINALEXPO IT-SEC conference and exhibition to be held...

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Crisis management with efficient communication

Crises undoubtedly shake the foundations of existing systems and lead to the appearance of better structures. Companies disappear or merge, and unusual solutions are invented, with the survivors benefiting from...

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Milk price hitting bottom

Supply prices of agricultural products were down by 27.4 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008. The price of plant products was down by 37.2 percent,...

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Soproni Szőke Ciklon

Soproni Szőke Ciklon is a new beer for the summer with a unique flavour and 4.5% alcohol content....

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Gallicoop’s 20th birthday

Even though the poultry-market is not being left untouched by the crisis, Gallicoop has reached a yield of 25 billion HUF and they are about to launch new projects in...

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Wellness services on Tesco Row

Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. is to launch a coupon campaign for customers visiting the shops located in its Bonyhád, Dombóvár. Miskolc-Avas and Szeged-Mórahalom stores. Customers holding receipts about goods worth more...

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What means are available for supporting the international marketing of Hungarian wine? How useful are the new resources made accessible by the EU wine/grape reform? How could market players co-operate...

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Companies getting greener

Regardless of the economic crisis, no company can afford to neglect the protection of our environment, because consumers are getting increasingly sensitive to such issues. – We spend a lot...

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