News and articles

Fizzing air in Kékkút

Nearly two hundred elementary school students could study about the protection of natural waters and a healthy hidratatation, on the occasion of World Water Day celebrations, on the 2nd of...

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An “average” Easter: 3 liters of wine, a few bottles of champagne

According to the analysis of the Varga Winery; an average Hungarian drinks about 3 liters of wine and 2-3 bottles of champagne in the Easter period. The few weeks before...

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Hungexpo renews its exhibitions and its own-organised events

Hungexpo Co. renews its traditional exhibitions, and puts a greater emphasis on their own organized cultural and sports events at the Budapest Fair Centre – said Ganczer Gábor CEO to...

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The EU sources has no economic stimulus effect

Although Hungary is in the forefront in the usage of the EU sources, but economic stimulus effect is not noticeable – said Parragh László, President of the Hungarian Chamber of...

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The Ezermester network is expanding in the countryside

So far, thirty-six stores joined to the Hungarian DIY purchasing association. Until the end of the year, the number of members can reach one hundred. "Currently, thirty-six stores are operating...

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A growing number of Chinese millionaires

The number of millionaires is growing in China, in the world's third largest economy: currently 875 thousand people living in China whose fortunes exceed one million dollars. According to the...

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“Big Fresh Price Cuts” at the Malaysian Tescos

The Tesco hipermarket chain announced a huge price reduction campaign in Malaysia, in a total value of 30 million Malaysian ringgit (about 9.2 million USD). The campaign named "Big Fresh...

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The Pöttyös Túró Rudi is the strongest Hungarian brand

The first list that ranks the most powerful brands in Hungary completed. The Pöttyös Túró Rudi, which is a traditional Hungarian brand for fourty years, stands on the top, followed...

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Hungarian households’ debt is seven times larger than the debts of the Slovaks

The purchasing habits of those households that were affected by the economic crisis have become more cautious. According to Cetelem; the consumer credit market – which is closely linked to...

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The eurozone purchasing managers index is on its peak

More than three years ago, the euro area manufacturing activity grew in the fastest rate in March. The 40-month peak of the purchasing managers index, rose to 56.6 points, in...

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Wine consumption decreased worldwide last year

The impact of the financial and economic crisis affected the wine consumption of the world last year: In 2009, 2.9 percent less a 236.6 million hectoliters of wine were consumed....

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The number of minor infridgements increases

The National Consumer Protection Authority carried out concentrated checks in trade, before the Easter holidays. The inspectorates carried out nearly 700 checks, in just one and a half week before...

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Slovak imports from Tesco

Not only technical products, stationery, private label products and garments will arrive to the Hungarian Tesco stores through Slovakia, but they will transport a significant part of food in the...

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Buy with yor mobile!

German developers have been developed a bar-code-control software that can be installed to a mobile phone, which allows the costumer to find out almost everything about the products on the...

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New CEO at Cerbona

Gosztonyi Gábor, the new CEO will replace Szabó István Tivadar at Cerbona Zrt. Gosztonyi Gábor will take over the operational management from the 6th of April. Gosztonyi Gábor arrives to...

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llegal hamburger plant in Göd

Finance and food safety inspectors dismantled an illegal hamburger plant on Thursday, following a public announcement. The plant was in the basement of a functioning meat shop, in Göd, Pest...

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Household products and cosmetics sales decreased in volume, increased in value

The retail sales of household products and cosmetics, increased by 2 percent in January and February this year, compared to last year's comparable period. In quantities Nielsen market research company...

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According to the latest survey of Coface credit insurance; Hungarian companies are no longer the most risky in regional rankings. However, we can talk about positive trend in the cases...

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MasterCard tripled in the Tesco

MasterCard's tripled the purchases with cards at the end of last year, in the Tesco hypermarkets, with an innovative marketing action. In November and December 2009 at several cashiers the...

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The EU citizens considers agriculture important

According to a survey made amongst the citizens of the EU member states, over the agriculture; 90 percent of the respondents considered agriculture important. The least people who insisted on...

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Rather forint loan

The Hungarian population took more forint credit in February, than repay and repaid more foreign currency loan more than they took. Household loan portfolio was 7,881 billion HUF, of which...

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Aranyászok is the supporter of the Hungarian professional women handball

Arany Ászok as the committed partner of team sport, joins now to the fans of the Hungarian professional women handball and supports the playoff of the Hungarian Women Handball NB...

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It seems Auchan mineral water is OK

According to the preliminary results; Auchan Hungary’s private label mineral waters meet the standards, although the final results are expected after Easter- reports the Agricultural Office (MgSzH). In the April...

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Shop of Hungarian products in Győr

Hungarian products shop opened as the part of the Magosz network in Győr-Adyváros. INSZOL Zrt. renewed a 250 square meters of shops in the one-storied building of the former Patyolat...

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Declining German unemployment

Unemployment fell in Germany to 8 and a half percent – announced the Federal Labour Office. In Europe's largest economy, 3.57 million people are without jobs now, which is a...

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GfK: high expectations in the first quarter of 2010 in Hungary

A survey conducted by GfK Hungária and Corvinus University has come to the conclusuóion that Cunsmer Trust Index has seen a 20 point rise in the first quarter of 2010,...

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35 million eggs consumed every year in Hungary

As a whole, 230 thousand food item controls have taken place in Hungary since 2007, and so far it meant a penalty of 8 billion HUF altogether, and more than...

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Meat-producers are about to sell 15-20 thousand ton of smoked products for Easter

According to expectations by the Meatguild of Hungary, small and medium-sized enterprises represented by them are about to sell 15-20 thousand ton of smoked meat until Easter Monday.  Expert Zoltán...

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