News and articles

Industrial prices decreased

lthough in February 2010 industrial export prices were 0.9 percent higher than in the previous month, they were 5.4 percent lower in comparison with February 2009. Prices in the food...

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Larger packaging units experienced a bigger decline

Data from GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan indicates that 40 percent of Hungarian households bought some kind of family size ice cream in 2009. The average household purchased this cold delicacy 6...

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The fourth screen

It caused a lot of excitement when in Nielsen’s first quarterly report the company audited the efficiency of programmes and ads in so-called 4th-screen broadcasts – these run on displays...

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Riceland’s prize game continues!

This year started well for one participant of Riceland’s loyalty programme – players only had to collect 5 Riceland logos – as in both January and April one lucky winner...

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Thanks to NaturAqua Emotion Peer-Lemon Balm’s unique, pleasant taste the daily liquid intake is more pleasurable....

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Consumer trust

Food safety is important for every second Hungarian in deciding where to do their shopping, informs a Nielsen survey. Six out of ten Hungarians think the products they buy in...

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Inflation in Hungary is the highest

In February 2010, in the EU-27 consumer prices were 1.4 percent higher on average, compared to prices in February 2009. The biggest increase was measured in Hungary (5.6 percent) and...

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Growth in terms of both value and volume

The Nielsen Retail Index revealed that mineral water’s market position strengthened in retail: in April 2009-March 2010 value sales improved by 3 percent and neared HUF 47 billion, while Nielsen...

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Design and brand building the P&G way

The significance of in-store marketing keeps growing. According to a report by Nielsen, in-store tools are more influential in shaping awareness than television. So Phil Duncan, the head of P&G...

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New CEO at Cerbona

From 6 April, Gábor Gosztonyi is the new CEO of Székesfehérvár company, Cerbona Zrt. His predecessor, Tivadar István Szabó will remain a member of the Board of Directors. Gábor Gosztonyi...

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Fanta Bongo

This time the new, limited edition was inspired by South Africa....

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Rapid alerts

RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) operates in the member states of the EU. Through this system member states report to the European Commission if human health hazards...

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Industry in the EU shows signs of recovery

Eurostat’s report indicates that in the last quarter of 2009 the economy of the eurozone was stagnating. However, the annual decline of 2.2 percent was bigger than expected. In January...

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This year’s mineral water season may bring elevated prices

Last year mineral water sales were the only one to increase among high-volume non-alcoholic thirst quenchers: the category improved by nearly 5 percent, in a large part due to a...

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Category identifying placement

Energy drink category is a dynamically expanding one, which has been growing by two-digit numbers for years. Balázs Ruip, Red Bull Hungária Kft.’s trade marketing manager told our magazine that...

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STI Packaging RO Srl officially opened its gates

On 15 April 2010, STI Group’s 13th plant was officially inaugurated in Cluj-Napoca (production already commenced in January). Dr. Tom Giessler, the group’s chief financial officer and a managing director...

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Joya Soy Drinks

Besides Joya soy drinks, Real Nature Kft.’s product selection is now expanded with rice and oatmeal drinks....

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The source of fresh and safe products

József Surányi, the head of METRO’s quality assurance department says: – Our major goal is providing partners with quality, fresh products. Our customers can be sure that fresh food products...

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Variations on eco-bottle

Andrew Kim, an 18-year old designer unveiled a new concept, which uses squared Coca-Cola bottles that can be folded when empty – they become up to two-thirds smaller than when...

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Puskás Öcsi is the face of Szentkirályi in Australia too

At the end of April, Szentkirályi launched its new advertising campaign that uses the image of Puskás Öcsi – not only in Hungary, but in Australia and the US as...

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They are the best in promotion

Trade magazin, in cooperation with Nielsen and with support from POPAI Hungary and Trade Marketing Club organised its promotion competition. Manufacturers and promotion agencies competed in 5 categories (food, drink,...

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Practical novelty from Milli

The spring novelty from the Milli Perfecto cream family is Milli Perfecto Cream spray. New, practical packaging makes the quality product easier to use when it comes to cooking or...

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Pampers and UNICEF continue the battle against newborn tetanus

In 2010, Pampers and UNICEF keep fighting for eliminating newborn tetanus by 2012. This year Gabriella Jakupcsek will represent the campaign in Hungary. After every Pampers product bought from 1...

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Surprise Drink

With a surprise game which is connected to the packaging....

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Heartening domestic retail data

According to KSH’s report, after a 0.6-percent growth in January, retail turnover in Hungary stagnated in February, but the annual downturn diminished from 5.6 to 4.3 percent. In terms of...

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Cheese in chocolate-type multi-block form

Chunka Cheese’s experts had two things in mind when they created a cheese block design that is similar to a chocolate bloc or bar: convenience and simplicity. Smaller sections of...

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Whitening toothpaste is stable in popularity

Toothpaste volume and value retail sales grew only in hypermarkets and in the 201-400 m²-channel in March 2009-February 2010 – the Nielsen Retail Index informs us. Hypermarkets’ value share reached...

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It removes stains and preserves colours

DunaPro Zrt., a Hungarian-owned company is the distributor of the Clorox brand, they supply 7,500 stores directly. In 2008, they introduced chlorine-free stain remover Clorox Color to the Hungarian market....

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Becherovka conquers with a new flavour

Jan Becher Karlovarská Becherovka developed a new product after more than 200 years. Becherovka Lemond is based on the original bitter recipe, but the fresh flavours of orange, lemon and...

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Interpack 2011 is very popular among prospective exhibitors

Two years ago the participants of the trade fair filled all 19 exhibition halls and now future participants are booking exhibiting space with the same swiftness. In 2011, Interpack will...

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