News and articles

The ZEW index declines for three months now

The business cycle and business sentiment indicator of ZEW Economic Research Company, decreased in June and July too. The index fell by 7.2 point to 21.2 points in July, compared...

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Red Bull Air Race to be cancelled this year

The National Transport Authority decided: they not support the holding of the Red Bull Air Race event in Hungary. The will not give a temporary permit for the usage of...

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The Body Shop’s range expands

From June, the Body Shop’s range expands with food quality lipsticks, made of natural materials and with preservative-free eyelids paints and shampoos. It is estimated that an average woman sucks...

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Comprehensive measures in order to help small farmers

The government has begun to start measures, in order to improve the situation of the small producers against the power of the large retail chains. The parliament will vote over...

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Milk and vegetable prices rising significantly despite declining agricultural prices

The level of agricultural output in May 2010, decreased by 0.6 percent, compared to the same period of last year – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In May, the...

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The global cereal production will be less than expected

Not only Hungary’s cereal yield was affected by the bad weather. In the region, storms and floods, in Western Europe droughts hit the fields. The global cereal production will be...

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The fifth or sixth of the Hungarian malls may disappear

The rural malls were less affected by the crisis, due to their greater flexibility and lower rents – said Horváth Péter Portfolio Manager of the Central European Mosaic Property to...

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The EU promises the comprehensive settlement of the dairy sector

Dacian Ciolos EU Commissioner for Agriculture promised the submission of a comprehensive package of measures to regularize the situation in the dairy sector, while hundreds of dairy farmers were protesting...

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Tesco won with heat wave and World Cup

Due to the World Cup and the good weather of the last few weeks, a significant increase occured in the Tesco in the marketing of beer, soft drinks, ice cream...

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New Hungarian “shopping tourism”, for the Slovenian pálinka distillery equipments

The distillery equipments in Lendva, Slovenia are purchased by mostly Hungarians – said the manager of an agri store to MTI. According to Szom János, leader of Mercator’s agri store;...

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Hoventa 2010 – in the spirit of renewal

This year the 29th HOVENTA is waiting the exhibitors and visitors to the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center with many new features, in the organization of HUNGEXPO. The HOVENTA also intends...

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We often tolerate the detriment of our consumer rights

The Conscious Consumers' Association and the Forsense Institute carried out a questionnaire survey over the most perceived consumer protection problems and the solutions in these cases. The survey shows, that...

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Global economy accelerates

The International Monetary Fund improved its estimations of this year’s global economy expansion, from 4.2 to 4.6 percent. However the financial constraints after the crisis, may cause danger. This year's...

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Nearly 1 billion investment in the pork manufacturing plant

The fattening plant of Pankota-Kórógy Sertéstenyésztő és Takarmányelőállító Kft. was modernized from more than 900 million HUF. The investment was the last step of the three-step upgrade. As the result...

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The sugar factory is ready for the processing campaign

The country's only operating sugar factory in Kaposvár is preparing for the sugar beet processing campaign, with more than 650 million HUF worth of development. Hájos László, Chief Technical Officer...

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Kékkúti Mineral Water produces without final water rights permission

Since early June, the Kékkúti Mineral Water Co. produces without final water rights permission. According to the Káli Basin Environmental Association; that is unlawful, the company says it is not....

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Chinese foreign trade still significantly increases, but with a slower pace

According to the datas of the Chinese government; China's exports and imports, slowed in June, compared to May, on an annual basis. In June, export of China was 43.9 percent...

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Discount priced wine in the Tesco

Despite Tesco previously supported the government's fight against alcohol abuse, now the company sells bottled wines in its stores for only one pound. The price of the Bulgarian Silver Rock...

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The cheap Latin American food threatenes the European producers

The Commission's renewal of free-trade negotiations with Latin American countries may affect the European livestock breeders, meat, fruit and vegetables producers adversely. The agricultural aspects of the negotiations could have...

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E-shops and Web Cards

In April 2700 web stores were operating in Hungary, which is much higher, than the datas of 2008. The Internet traffic is 1.6 percent of the total retail sales, a...

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Twelve-month price increase above 5 percent

In May, the monthly average retail price increase was 0.9 percent. Compared to last May, prices increased by 5.1 percent – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In the first...

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The Széchenyi Program to be renewed

According to the government decision over the newSzéchenyi loan programs, the Government will launch three types of loan programs with different dates – writes Magyar Közlöny. The government at the...

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Agri support – the Ministry turned to Brussels

The Ministry of Rural Development requests the bringing forward of the EU agricultural subsidy payments from Brussels. After the storms and the inland waters, the supports would help the dairy...

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Dr. Rose, the first private hospital of Budapest has been opened

In the heart of the city, in the 5th District the first private hospital of Budapest has been opened on the 1st of July. The main principle of the founders...

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German foreign trade increases

German import and export expanded more than expected. Germany’s imports increased by 14.8 percent from April to May, while exports grew by 9.2 percent. Thus, German trade surplus declined to...

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Protects against sunburn, but not sure it is water-resistant

The sun protectors that are available in Hungary did well on the international consumer protection test – reports But there are serious problems with the products’ water resistance. The...

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The competition authority punished L`Oreal to five million

The competition authority punished L`Oreal to five million HUF, because the company could not prove the reality what was said in advertisements of three products. However, the Authority concludes that...

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Hungarian industry increased in May

The preliminary datas suggest, that industrial production increased by 13.7 percent in May, compared to the same period of last year – reports Central Statistical Office (KSH). Production volume in...

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New opportunities for small farmers

According to the Alliance for the Living Tisza Association; new opportunities came into force on the 5th of July for the small-scale producers. One of the most important amendment of...

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Food prices increase inflation

The rising food prices due to the floods and bad weather, increase the inflation in Hungary. According to Palócz Éva, director of Kopint – Tárki; the grain yield loss can...

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