News and articles

Hűségkedvezményt kínál a Walmart az állami támogatásban részesülőknek

A Walmart megfizethetőbbé teszi a hűségprogramtagságát azok számára is, akik állami támogatásban részesülnek. A 2020 szeptemberében bevezetett Walmart+ 35 dolláros vagy annál nagyobb összegű rendelések esetén korlátlan ingyenes házhozszállítást, a...

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Bill Gates buys Anheuser-Busch shares during Bud Light slump

Bill Gates has made a US$95 million bet on AB InBev after buying Anheuser-Busch shares amid the business’s troubles with its Bud Light brand. According to reports highlighting details from...

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Hungarian farmers demand decisive action from Brussels! Extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain by the EU!

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), a farmers’ demonstration was held at the Záhony border crossing...

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The quality of the wine grapes harvested so far in the Villány wine region is excellent

The harvest of typical blue grape varieties harvested so far in the Villány wine region, where the harvest until the end of October is currently in full swing, is average...

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Agrometeorology: canola needs precipitation

The dry, warm weather of the past few days was ideal for the maturing rapeseed plants, but at the same time it significantly dried out the soil layer near the...

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Euromonitor International: China’s Alibaba the leading retailer and Indonesia’s GoTo the fastest growing retailer in Asia-Pacific

Kína zéró-Covid politikája az offline kiskereskedelmi forgalomban dollárban kifejezve 4%-os forgalomcsökkenést eredményezett és az üzleteken belüli vásárlóforgalom visszaesése komoly kihívás elé állítja a kiskereskedelmet. Az olyan piacok ugyanakkor, mint India,...

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Our country extends and extends the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain

We protect the interests of farmers, so after Brussels decided not to maintain the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, our country will do so under its national...

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Zott Jogobella birthday edition yoghurts 130 g

We are happy to announce that the Jogobella brand is celebrating its 25th anniversary in the countries of Central Europe in 2023.We are commemorating the Jogobella anniversary by launching new products,...

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GALLIO Sült és füstízű pulykacombsonkam

Megtartva eddigi lendületét, tovább bővül a Gallicoop vállalat új termékcsaládja, a GALLIO.  A gyorspácolt prémium sonka 80% pulykacombhúst tartalmaz, kiváló alapot teremtve minden szendvicsnek. A magas fehérjetartalmú pulykahús rendkívül gazdag ásványi anyagokban, szelénben,...

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Alexandra Szentkirályi: the government will extend the mandatory campaign until the end of December

The government will extend the mandatory actions from the original deadline of the end of September to the end of the year, government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi said in the current...

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(HU) Rendhagyó vitafórumokkal érkezik a JVSZ 12. Makro Konferenciája új, EXKLUZÍV formátumban

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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BCG: Brands should pay more attention to the 50-70 age group

According to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) research “Don’t Overlook Your Mature Consumers”, members of the 50-70 age group, contrary to popular belief, have a much greater influence on the...

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Megállíthatja az élelmiszerboltok forgalmának csökkenését a SZÉP-kártyás vásárlás

A SZÉP-kártya-felhasználók, az élelmiszerüzletek, de még a munkáltatók számára is kedvező változást jelenthet, hogy augusztustól ismét lehetővé válik a hidegélelmiszer-vásárlás és az éves kedvezményes keret is emelkedik. Tavaly ugyanis a február–június...

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The 30-year-old Rossmann celebrated with a festival of 1,500 people

Rossmann has been present in Hungary for 30 years this year, and to celebrate this significant milestone, it organized a grandiose festival for its colleagues on the second Sunday of...

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PENNY facilitates the start of school for three hundred needy children with the help of the Hungarian Red Cross

PENNY and the Hungarian Red Cross have teamed up again: this time they help disadvantaged children and their families start school. Thanks to the store chain and with the cooperation...

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The Hungarian-owned Szafi Products received an international award

The winners and honorees of this year’s World Plant-Based Innovation Award 2023, organized by the FoodBev Awards, were announced at the North American World Plant-Based Innovation Award 2023. In the...

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It is worth traveling to Lake Balaton not only for the wine, but also for the beer

The travel habits of Balaton tourists seem to have changed due to the summer-like heat. In recent weeks, several thousand people have visited the beaches, which are free during this...

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Shop scales, slicers and packers – these are the engines of innovation

Automation is one of the key trends in industrial and shop scales. Machines and software are more and more frequently responsible for the weighing processes. Another important trend is the...

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Nébih: 19 proceedings were initiated against distributors of cocoa powder

Due to labeling errors and too low vitamin content, official proceedings were initiated against cocoa drink powder distributors in 19 cases based on the instant cocoa drink powder test of...

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EY: There is also a lack of female leadership and digital knowledge on boards

While digitization and sustainable operations are the keys to the long-term success of companies, only a fraction of the board members responsible for decision-making have experience in this direction, according...

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K&H: the young people who save are back

The proportion of young people with savings increased significantly in one quarter: according to the K&H youth index, 49 percent of them had reserves in the first quarter, and 56...

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What you should know about the Complaints Act

The topic of the first broadcast of international business and tax consulting firm Grant Thornton is Whistleblowing, compliance with the EU’s new Whistleblower Directive, also known as the Whistleblowing Act....

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Az ananász jegyében működik együtt a Pepsi és a Little Caesars pizzázólánc

A Pepsi Co. Inc. a Little Caesars pizzázólánccal együttműködve új lehetőséget nyújt az ananász szerelmeseinek kedvenc gyümölcsük fogyasztására: a vásárlóknak korlátozott ideig egy 4,7 dl-es Pepsi Pineapple italból és egy...

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Elsőként kínál a Penny Italia vertikális gazdálkodásból származó saját márkás termékeket

A Penny Italia diszkontlánc Olaszország 18 régió­jának 435 üzletében elsőként indított útjára vertikális gazdálkodásból származó saját márkás termékcsaládot. A „pianetiamo” termékcsaládot aeropóniában állítják elő, amely a vertikális gazdálkodás egy olyan formája,...

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Németország: minden ötödik Burger Kingben eladott Whopper növényi alapú

Egyre népszerűbb a húsmentes táplálkozás Németországban: a vegetáriánusok aránya mintegy 10%, míg a vegánoké 3,8%. A Burger King az országban a növényi alapú ételek iránti ugrásszerűen megnövekedett keresletnek úgy tesz eleget,...

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New store opens opened its latest store on 11 August. This is Alza’s second store in Budapest, where a selection of over 2,000 of the online shop’s best-selling products are available to...

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They are preparing for the future with significant investments in the Hungarian factory of Villeroy & Boch

On this special anniversary, Villeroy & Boch looks to the future in addition to the celebration, since the brand, which is 275 years old this year, has carried out a...

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Seed production is a production alternative in the shadow of the Ukrainian grain market

Due to the presence of Ukrainian crops on the European market, Hungarian farmers should also establish themselves on several legs, in which seed production can be a viable alternative for...

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PepsiCo brings hydration juggernaut Gatorade into water

The electrolyte-infused beverage, which was developed by the CPG giant to help support all-day hydration, will start hitting shelves in 2024. Gatorade is launching its first-ever water offering as the...

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HUF 11 billion in support is coming to milk producers and fattening bull farmers

In order to ensure the liquidity of cattle farmers in a difficult economic situation, the Ministry of Agriculture has created the conditions for the temporary national support to be paid...

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