News and articles

Dreher won the Green Frog Award

The jury of the Green Frog Award alias the Central European Environmental Report set up by Deloitte juried 44 applications from three countries this year. The best sustainability report was...

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Consumption mood in the EU improved hardly

Public spending growth slowed down in the third quarter in the European Union (EU). According to the survey of the Visa Europe; the nearly half billion inhabitants of the union...

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Pepsi’s five billion dollar deal in Russia

U.S. PepsiCo, bought the largest Russian food and beverage producer, the Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods (WBD) for 5.4 billion USD. According to the Thursday announcement; in the first round, PepsiCo will acquire...

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Russia joins to the World Trade Organization

Moscow and Brussels signed the document of the WTO accession on the 7th of December – said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Zhukov in Moscow. According to the report of...

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Bonbonetti comes up with a wide selection of Christmas candies

This year, Bonbonetti has launched a number of new products, such as Bombonetti Szaloncukor Selection, a wide range if special Christmas candies. In the year of 1868 the biggest chocolate...

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Four new McCafés open this year

Until the end of the year, two more – a Budapest- and a Budaörs-based – McCafé outlets are about to open. This way, the company opens 4 cafés as a...

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MVH goes on with food-aid program sponsored by EU

Food distribution goes on in the next couple of weeks of year, on behalf of Hungarian Agricultural Authority (MVH) within the compass of a special food-aid program for those in...

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Hungarian companies only use social media for marketing purposes

The majority of Hungarian companies still do not get the hang of social media: they mostly use it as a one way platform to distribute marketing messages, instead of focusing...

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GURU won Gold Effie Award

Pöttyös GURU won Gold Effie at the gala event held at the National Theatre on 8 October. This was the ninth time that the most prestigious competition in marketing communication...

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A tax has to be paid for the crisis

At the press conference of Magyar Nemzeti Bank it was said that if the companies who have to pay the special tax decide to transfer the extra burden to consumers,...

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Egg allergy is the most common allergy in Hungary

Egg allergy is a type of food allergy. It is a hypersensitivity to dietary substances from the yolk or whites of eggs, causing an overreaction of the immune system which...

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The brand Kecskeméti resurrects with Univer jams

In order to introduce a number of new products such as a new jam-family and tomato-drink, Univer Product Ltd. held a pressconference on 1st December. The most important characteristics of...

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Magazine: The start of a new season – from two aspects

AdvertisingAge (USA) informed that consumers are upset about the fact that Christmas advertisements and promotions already start in early November. BestBuy, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Kmart and JCPenney all launched their seasonal...

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GFK: We spend more in this year’s Christmas season

According to the survey of GfK Hungária Market Research Institute; a slight growth is expected in this year's Christmas shopping season, contrary to the decline of the previous years. We...

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Hungarians do not take up loan for Christmas gifts

According to the survey of Ipsos and; half of the Hungarian population – similar to last year – will spend less than 20 thousand HUF this year on Christmas...

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Global food prices near record

According to the calculations of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); food prices are close to the historic peak of the food crisis of 2008. According to the datas...

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World trade turnover slows down, but the growth is still double-digit

World trade turnover growth significantly slowed in value in this year's third quarter – reported the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Wednesday. The import and export value grew by 18...

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The final decision: the Visegrádi mineral water is not harmful to health

The appellate court found that the amount of fluoride in the water do not exceed the 1.5 milligram per liter limit laws – reports The Metropolitan Court of Appeal...

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The young people prefer Pöttyös Túró Rudi, older people Nokia

The Brand Community Survey of B&P Braun & Partners and GfK Hungária reserched what kind of brands prefer the younger and the older age groups. Overlaps increasingly occures between the...

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The Spar does not want to stay out of the travel market

After several large retail networks, the Austrian Spar group also enters into the travel market. On the company’s online site, more than one thousand journeys are available. So far, Tesco,...

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The German consumer mood is on its three-year peak

German monthly level retail sales increased in October, that have not seen for three years. The growth exceeded all analysts' forecasts and indicates a recovery in the European Union's largest...

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GKIeNet: Hungarian web trade may increase by 30 percent

According to the research of the GKIeNET market research firm; the total turnover of the Hungarian web trade is expected to increase to 130 billion HUF this year, from last...

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Shoplifters cause billions of forints in losses

Between July 2009 and June 2010, shoplifters caused losses totalling almost 5 bln euros for German retailers, according to a study by the British Centre for Retail Research and Checkpoint...

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Lidl opens its first chocolate factory

Lidl is opening its own chocolate factory in Übach-Palenberg near Aachen, Germany, Lebensmittel Zeitung reports. According to the newspaper, Lidl is working with one of its suppliers, Ludwig Weinrich, on...

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Baby brands are more popular than ever

Tesco and a number of other retailers are moving into the baby category with their brands. Tesco is opening a Baby World store, stocking goods for babies and toddlers. Customers...

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New marketing director at Heineken Hungária

Starting from this month, a new marketing director is in charge of Heineken HUngária's marketing communication. Bram Westenbink is coming from the Dutch side of the company, and has been...

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Magazin: Meagre year, abundant Christmas?

Most manufacturers prepare for the holiday season with more gift packages than last year, but the balance shifted towards cheaper solutions in this segment too. Unilever Kft. has been performing...

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KSH measured a significant rise in food price inflation

The bad weather and the rise of import prices led to the intensive increase in food prices in Hungary. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH); on...

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Hungarian milk consumption should be increased to 200 liters per capita in a ten-year period

The sectoral strategic program carried out at the Milk Marketing Board wants to increase milk consumption to an annual 200 liters per person in Hungary. Presently, the annual milk consumption...

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National competition to restore the reputation of pálinka

One can apply for the organization of next year’s national pálinka and törköly distilling competition, between the 1st and 31st of December 2010 – informs the press office of the...

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