News and articles

New leader at Sága Foods

From July 2011, the new domestic commercial leader is Ádám Szita. The expert is an economist who finished his studies at the College of Foreign Commerce, and also gained an...

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Hungarians do not want to work over the retirement age even for more money

Two-third of the Hungarian workers would not work after retirement age, even if their salary would be raised – shows the latest datas of Randstad Work Monitor. According to the...

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The plantations of the Somló Wine Region escaped from the red sludge

Scientific studies have shown that last year's red sludge disaster did not cause any damage to the vineyards of the Somló Wine Region – told Somogyi Lajos Hill Judge over...

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Another Starbucks café to open on Széna square

The fourth Starbucks café in Hungary opens in Buda on the Széna square in early August. The news is interesting, because Starbucks already has a unit there, in the Mammut...

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Metro's household electronics retail is making losses

The Duesseldorf-based Metro group's household electronics retail section, the Media-Saturn closed with 44 million euros operating loss in this year's second quarter. The sales of the chain decreased. The company...

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75 thousand pounds for a bottle of white wine

A 200 years old 1811 vintage Chateau d'Yquem white wine was sold for seventy-five thousand pounds – 22.5 million HUF – in London at an auction. The buyer is a...

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The ability to adapt to ever-changing needs: EIPA’s first 30 years

The National Institute of Public Administration and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) jointly organised the meeting of the EIPA Board of Governors, on 6-7 June 2011, in the...

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John Dalli to push full smoking ban across European Union

The European Commission announces it is preparing to introduce legislation in 2011 to ban smoking in public places right across the union. reports that European Commissioner for health and...

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Hungary will penalize planting, distribution of GMO seeds

The Hungarian goverment is going to penalize planting and distribution of genetically modified seeds with fines of up to 2 billion HUF, government spokesman Zoltán Kovács pointed out at a...

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Women are better at shopping than man according to Hungarians

The average Hungarian person is convinced that women are the most suitable persons in charge when it comes to shopping and purchasing items necessary to do household chores – the...

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Retail turnover rose in May

In May, retail sales turned out to be better than expected, but there is no reason for joy: the Swiss franc has started to soar, and the pension fund real...

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The majority of the population does not trust in the social impact of the chips-tax

Although two-third of the population supports the introduction of the new public health product fee, called chips-tax, the majority of the respondents still skeptical of its social impact – shows...

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The commercial property sector is beyond the nadir

The Hungarian commercial real estate sector commercial shows a varied figure, hovewer it can be stated at all segments that the market is beyond the low point and entered into...

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(HU) Hazai tejtermékek kerülhetnek be az uniós segélyprogramba

Domestically produced dairy products can be included to the EU's food aid program in Hungary in the next year. The(UHT) milk and cheeses, that do not require cooling, will be...

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What is the size of the Slovakian Tokaj wine region?

The representatives of seven villages in the eastern Slovakian Tokaj wine region called the government in Pozsony to immediately close the negotiations with Hungary and mark out the region's borders....

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Master Good: The Secret of Success

Every day hundreds of thousands chickens are slaughtered in the Kisvárda plant of Master Good which operates an integrated poultry processing company. The company dealing with feed, breeding and processing...

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CBA denies the allegations of the Watermelon Association

The CBA Kereskedelmi Kft. rejects that the company distributes melons under the purchase price in its network. The President of the Hungarian Watermelon Association told to MTI on Monday, that...

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Henkel's new products require new packages

Henkel announces that it has worked with STMicroelectronics, one of the world’s largest semiconductor companies and advanced chip packaging technology developers, to validate the performance of Henkel’s Ablestik C100 conductive...

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The Bábolna-based IKR Zrt. will be splitted

Saved from bankruptcy, but the Bábolna-based IKR Zrt. will be splitted into two parts and became the it splits in two and will belong to a Czech argri company. The...

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Personnel changes at Univer Product Ltd.

From 1st August 2011, Lídia Marosfi Györgyné is leaving the sales annd marketing vice-CEO position at Univer, and gives her place to Zita Csanádi, leader of the PRivate Label division....

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ALDI prize show is over now

ALDI Hungary has just closed its prize show in which 367 valuable prizes went to the most loyal customers, among them the main prize: an AUDI A3 car. The promotion...

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More than three million tonnes of wheat are in the warehouses

More than three million tons of high quality wheat was transported into the warehouses. This year's harvest covers the 2.5 million tonnes annual needs of the country of which 1.2...

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Fruit growers may receive a good price

This year there are almost no amount of volume that could not be sold from cherry, sour cherry, apricot and raspberry. Noone can complain about the prices; cherry, raspberry can...

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GKI’s economic index also decreased in June

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI economic index continued to decrease in July. The downward trend continues for months and the business and consumer confidence is also on the...

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The situation of the civil consumer protection organizations in the EU is deteriorating

The situation of the civil consumer protection organizations is difficult, indeed, in some cases deteriorating in the European Union and in the Central and Eastern European Member States – states...

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More than 4,000 kilograms of radiant meat was transported to the Japanese stores

After the disaster Fukushima, the cesium contamination is an increasing challenge for the Japanese food trade. 58 farms are involved. The Japanese Agriculture Ministry reported that 58 farms, and 2,600...

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The melon tasting continues in the Auchan

The Auchan awaited its costumers on July 15 to 16 and 23 across the country, in each of its stores with watermelon-tasting. The action contines on 5th of August. “Hungarian...

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World trade regained its April decline in May

According to the Monday published datas of the Dutch CPB Economic Analysis Center; world trade rose in May in terms of volume after the decline of April, after the exports...

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Free Mobile Net in four Tesco stores in Britain

Tesco provides Free Mobile Net in four Tesco stores in Britain currently. In the future they will extend this service for the full chain. With this extra service the customers...

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Google Chrome accelerates

However the Internet Explorer can be found on more than half of the computers Google Chrome increases its share at a faster pace than any other browsers The Google+ Community...

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