News and articles

Magazine: Food safety will be a key issue with insurance policies too

The credit crisis is a major concern for insurance companies because companies react to the lack of liquidity by cutting costs, therefore many companies reduced their insurance coverage and undertook...

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Hungarian e-commerce seeing dynamic growth

In 2010, Hungarian online e-commerce has seen a synamic expansion – GKIeNet's survey of August 2011 pointed out. It covers roughly 1.8 percent of the total retail sales in Hungary,...

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Festival in Székesfehérvár for conscious customers

The major focus of the first Conscious Customer Festival is going to be centered around local food and handmade products. The event takes place in Székesfehérvár on 4th September, whereas...

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New Silan-product

With new Silan Perfume Essence Amber, your freshly washed laundry will not only feel luxuriously soft, but smell exquisitely fragrant – for that ultimate sensation of sparkling pleasure. You will...

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The quarter of online shoppers buy FMCG products also online

The online growth of daily consumer goods sales, exceededs the online market growth rate, despite the fact that only the piper and cosmetics category increased compared to 2010 – shows...

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The number of consumer complaints have reached seven thousand

In the capital, until the end of August a close to two thousand consumer complaints arrived to the Conciliation Board against about 600 companies – was announced at the Budapest...

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Csányi interested in Co-op?

Csányi Sándor OTP CEO would expand his business interests with a food chain – writes The Commercial Director of Co-op Hungary Ltd. has refuted the news to Népszabadság. According...

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Chio's development was canncelled due to the chips-tax

The German owners of Chio will not install its previously planned production line of popcorn and its peanut-making plant to Hungary. They company explains the step with the introduction of...

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Hell Energy has launched a new energy drink

A clinically tested, natural drink is going to be launched by Hell Energy, including mate tea and teobromin – the company has announced within the compass of a special press...

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Important state award to Pick Szeged

Market-leading meat company Pick has so far received ten “Hungarian Product Awards” so far, and now it has also received a special state award called “Gazdaságért Nívódíj”, whereas the Herz...

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Farmers' market opened in the 10th district

Hungarian farmers' market was opened on Wednesday in the Liget square, 10th district,  Budapest, where products of Hungarian farmers are sold. Rural Development Minister Fazekas Sándor in his opening speach...

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New Operations Director at METRO Kereskedelmi Ltd.

Will take over the position as Operations Director at METRO Cash & Carry Hungary Olivier Sainson joined Metro Cash & Carry in October 2007 and changed to Metro Cash &...

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New President for the Hungarian Beer-Producers' Association

The new president of the Hungarian Beer-Producers' Association is Dr Klára Csíkné Kovács from 1st September. The previous president Dr László Mádi had been the president of the association since...

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The Hungarian Product Awards were handed over

This year 39 applications of 37 applicants received the Hungarian Product Grand Prix award, which were handed over in the Parliament on Thursday on the occasion of the Feast of...

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dm's Children of the Sun CSR campaign is over

This year, the Hungarian dm joined international initiative of the Day “Children of the Sun” CSR campaign. With the campaign, the company aims to protect young children against the harmful...

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IKEA's catalog released in two hundred million copies

The distribution of IKEA's 2012 catalog began in Hungary on the 15th of August in 1.2 million copies. The catalog released in 42 countries, on 30 languages​​, and in 208...

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Rental fees in malls decreased by thirty percent since 2007

Those companies can expect up to 30-50 percent fee concession, that signs a rental fee agreement in a shopping center. Also can get a financial contribution to the opening. Although...

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Magazine: Who likes beer in promotion?

Dreher involved several thousand pubs and bars in their nationwide promotion (which lasts until September): every Friday guests get a pint of Arany Ászok for the price of a glass...

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GKI: growth under 2 percent

GKI Economic Research Co. forecasts that the recent international and national statistical data is expected to see a significant slow-down, and growth will be slower than previously expected, only between...

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Food Producers: exports can offset the weak domestic demand

Recently, several traditional food companies bankrupted or were close to insolvency, including such well-known brands such as Cerbona or Traubi. However, other large companies, despite the economic difficulties, have been...

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GKIeNet: the market of online community purchasing expands rapidly

It is estimated that currently about 60 companies are operating online community purchasing sites and their number can reach 100 by the end of the year. According to GKIeNET's survey...

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The collapse in consumer confidence can lead to a new recession

The threat of another recession in western economies increased “dramatically”, and world economic growth is expected to remain sluggish until the middle of the decade. The experts of one of...

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Tesco leaves the Japanese market

Referring on improper business movements, the British Tesco stopped its activity in Japan: the world's third largest retail chain on Wednesday announced that it would sell 129 stores in the...

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Magazine – Starbucks: promising results

Starbucks plans to open 600 new units in 2011 and another 800 in 2012 all over the world. In Hungary their fourth coffee house opened in August – we spoke...

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The Prima Pék Kft. expands in Budapest

The Hungarian owned Prima Pék Kft. is planning to open newer stores – told a company leader to [origo]. A few weeks ago the Príma Pék Kft.  announced the creation...

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Hungarian wine at Tesco

Tesco initiated a press discussion about the export-facilities of Hungarian wine at the British Embassy on 31st August. In the focus of the discussion, Tesco talked about their future plans...

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Deficit at Carrefour's

Despite Carrefour's revenue increased 2.3 percent in the first half of this year, the company recorded a loss of 249 million euros. In 2010, profit rate was 97 million euros....

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The volume of grape is lower than expected, but quality is good in Fejér county

The quantity of the harvest was less than expected, but the quality is promising in both wine regions of Fejér county. The 2011 vintage will be good for wine producers...

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I. Budavári Beer Festival was a success

The 1st Beer Festival in the Castle of Buda proved to be a success on the last weekend of the summer: nearly 44 thousand visitors tasted 140 thousand pins of...

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Quantity is worse, quality is better: vintage in Fejér county

Fejér county is facing a vintage of less grapes but of good quality this year, in both wine-regions. As a whole, 2011 appears to be a good wine year for...

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