News and articles

Ötletbörze Shop! módra

Shop! ideation néven hirdette meg következő nemzetközi rendezvényét a Shop! Enhancing retail environments and experiences, a POPAI Magyarország anyaszervezete. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Október 22–24. közt a Mariott...

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Hungarian innovation: Bio-Fer makes fertilizer based on soil samples

The Master Good company group started development 10 years ago, and today the Bio-Fer plant produces Hungary’s market-leading organic fertilizer, and according to plans, it will become the largest organic...

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Bosch innovációs versenyének idei fődíjasa ​Részletek keresése 93 / 5 000 Fordítási találatok Fordítási találat An automated collision avoidance system was designed by the grand prize winner of this year’s Bosch innovation competition

For 24 hours, brains were spinning and fingers were tapping on the keyboard at the hackathon jointly organized by Bosch and CraftHub in Gamerland in Budapest. A total of 110...

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Mondelez scraps lower-sugar Cadbury Dairy Milk

The confectionery giant launched the bars in 2019 as part of efforts to cut sugar in the products it sold in the UK and Ireland. Mondelez International is to end...

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SPAR Group To Dispose Of Polish Operations

South Africa’s SPAR Group has noted that, following a review of its Polish operations, it has decided to commence the disposal of its operations in the country. ‘Having evaluated and...

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Europe’s foodservice companies on the upswing again

The largest foodservice companies in Europe show a respectable increase in turnover. The exclusive ranking at the European Foodservice Summit in Zurich. The results of the exclusive ranking of the...

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Nébih: Auchan recalls bulgur

Auchan is recalling its own-brand Bio Bulgur product because pesticide residues above the limit were found in it, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Saturday. The...

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JVSZ Makro Conference 2023 – What awaits us in the economy?

This week, the Joint Venture Association (JVSZ) held its exclusive conference analyzing macroeconomic prospects in Budapest, at the ELTE University Congress Center. The main patron and opening speaker of the...

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The international food price index ended September unchanged

The international food price index remained stable in September after lower prices for vegetable oils, dairy products and meat products were offset by higher prices for sugar and corn, the...

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Industrial production decreased by 5.3%

Falling short of expectations, industrial production fell by 5.3% in August, while adjusted for the working day effect, production fell by 6.1%. In the first eight months, industrial production decreased...

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GKID-Mastercard: e-commerce will continue to polarize in 2023

A half-yearly increase in turnover below inflation, an unceasing increase in order frequency, a stagnant domestic market and an invigorating import turnover characterize the first six months of this year’s...

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BMI: Slight decline in September

The seasonally adjusted September value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI): 47.4. Compared to the previous September values, this year’s value is lower than the long-term average for this month...

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This is how companies see the development of their financial results

The domestic SME sector is planning slightly higher sales and profit growth compared to the beginning of the year, but expectations are still far below inflation: an average increase of...

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The best corporate ESG solutions of the year were awarded

Even more than before, more people applied for this year’s renewed Effekt 2030 award, which companies operating on the domestic market could win with exemplary ESG solutions. IKEA, Procter &...

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PENNY’s 230th domestic store was opened

PENNY opened its 230th unit in the 10th district of Budapest, on Liget Square, making it possible for the general public to shop in a new area. Gábor Radványi, deputy...

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Auchan’s paper bags have received a new design

Auchan Hungary joined the plastic-free July for the third time this summer. Last year, single-use plastic bags, the so-called rollbags, were removed from stores for the first time on the...

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You can fill up at Auchan gas stations with a HUF 20 discount per liter on two weekends in October

Until now, Auchan has offered high-quality gasoline at an excellent price at its filling stations, but on the first and second weekend of October, you can refuel at an even...

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Four fifths of Hungarians consider it important to celebrate everyday successes, yet we don’t take the time to do so

Our life has accelerated significantly, the list of obligations and tasks is long, perhaps more than we can do every day. We often forget to stop and be a little...

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This year, Tesco and Nestlé are also making a monetary donation from the food sold

This year, between September 28 and October 11, the Nestlé and Tesco joint campaign to support the work of the Hungarian Food Bank Association will run again. Within the framework...

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Award harvest at SPAR: recognized products, stores, campaigns, professionals

SPAR Hungary is committed to supporting the market access of domestic products and helping family and small businesses to ensure that their high-quality products reach the shelves of the supermarket...

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PENNY distributes the products of renowned domestic wineries

One of the greatest prides of PENNY’s offer are excellent domestic wines. The store chain considers it important to offer a wide variety of domestic wines in the well-known outstanding...

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Üzletek és éttermek kattintásnyi távolságban

A magyar e-kereskedelem hosszú évekig tartó, lassú, fokozatos növekedése a világjárvány idején egyik napról a másikra felgyorsult, elengedhetetlenné vált az érintés nélküli szállítás és fizetés, ami sok új innovációt és...

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Nádudvar introduces its new products with a tree planting campaign

Nádudvari appeared on the domestic fruit yogurt market with two new product lines. The company’s undisclosed goal is to further strengthen the role of food produced from domestic raw materials...

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The HR teams of three countries are managed by JYSK’s Hungarian regional manager

Ági Nyeste joined the Hungarian JYSK team as an HR Business Partner in 2016, and after a short time continued in the position of HR Manager. After that, his career...

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Euronics strengthens with two managers with exceptional expertise

Euronics has appointed new professionals to key management positions within the organization. After a successful generational change, the 100 percent Hungarian family-owned company has carried out and is carrying out...

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Gyorsan változó tartalmak és képernyők

A nyári szünet utáni első POPAI-találkozót szeptember 7-én délután tartották „Very Fast Moving Contents and Screens” (Gyorsan változó tartalmak és képernyők) témában. Az esemény házigazdája Lukatics Attila, a szervezet új tagvállalata,...

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Negyedik üzletét nyitotta Rómában az Esselunga

Új üzletet nyitott az Esselunga Rómában, és ezzel négyre növelte üzletei számát az olasz fővárosban. Az 560 négyzetméteres eladótérrel rendelkező üzletben a vásárlók több mint 4000 termékből válogathatnak. A saját...

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Retail sales in the Czech Republic also decreased in August

In August, in an annual comparison, retail sales in the Czech Republic decreased by 2.8 percent, the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) announced on Friday in Prague. Retail turnover in August...

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Terjeszkedik az Eroski Rapid üzletlánca

A spanyol Eroski kiskereskedő 52-re bővítette a Rapid üzlethálózatában működő boltjainak számát. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. A 150 négyzetméteres, kényelmi franchise-üzlet az Eroski belvárosokban, benzinkutakon, egyetemeken,...

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Pure Milk ízesített kaukázusi kefirek

A Pure Milk ízesített kaukázusi kefirek a könnyed és ízletes egészséges táplálkozás új szintjét hozzák el. Legyen szó reggeliről, tízórairól vagy edzés utáni feltöltődésről, ezek az italok minden alkalomhoz tökéletes...

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