News and articles

High-quality hungarian wines are becoming increasingly popular abroad

The Amand Wine Export Kft. – exporting high-quality hungarian wines – received nearly 150 million HUF from the Euroventures IV venture capital fund and from a private investor, the Charles...

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Tesco enters the e-book market

Tesco purchased an e-book distribution company in Great Britain for 7.2 million USD. With this step the company has entered the e-book market. The Mobcast has a catalog of 130...

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Prestigious honor to the François President Brut champagne

On 30 August, The Wine of Bodafok competition was held at the BCE Soós István Wine and Business School and Secondary School on the occasion of  the 23rd Champagne and...

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Miss Cherry Queen 2012 – Chocolate Queen Selection on the Sweet Days

After the high success of last year’s Sweet Days Chocolate Festival, the Bonbonetti Group awaits the visitors with a variety of special programs this year again. Hungary's the last great...

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The rate of alcohol consumption depends on the shape of the glass

The shape of your glass is probably the last thing on your mind when you are down the pub. However, researchers at the University of Bristol believe the shape of...

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Vénusz sconery and blog tasting at the Street Food Show

The first Street Food Show will be held between the 7th and 9th of  September 2012 at the market of the Hold Street. At the event Vénusz awaits the participants...

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The age of electric vehicles has come

The leading energy and automation group the ABB was also present at the 59th meeting of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association (MEE), where Steven Dorresteijn, the company’s guest speaker presented the...

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We are fond of good beer!

The following pictures have been taken at this spring's Főzdefeszt, which turned out to be a real success again, with 22 Hungarian breweries and dozens of newm unique beers....

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GKI: Keeping the wrong direction

Since the government does not want to introduce changes in its economic policy, the conclusion of the agreement with the IMF is not possible, and thus investors’ confidence necessary to...

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This year's Hungarian Quality Product Awards were handed over

The Hungarian Quality Product Award ® recognitions were handed over for the 15th time. This year more than ever, a total of 58 tenders of 53 applicants received this prestigous...

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The first phase of the Auchan-Cora acquisition has ended

The fact that the Auchan supermarket chain will take over Cora’s seven hypermarkets in Hungary became official on 27 April. Since then, the transformation of the stores were carried out...

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New leader at Coca-Cola Hungary

Strarting from 1st September 2012, the new CEO of Coca-Cola Hungary is 33 year-old Romanian expert Adrian Cernăuţan. The expert of economics is coming from the subsidiary of Romania....

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The harvest of maize started earlier

Compared to the previous years, maize harvest began two weeks earlier in Békés county. The average yield per hectare is between 3.6 to 3.7 tons. Veres Vilmos, leader of the...

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Magazine: Field trip to Lake Garda

You can get to know the secrets of making Italian parmesan, Parma ham and balsamic vinegar if you join in the field trip to Lake Garda, organised by MVI and...

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Industrial producer prices up by 0.4% in both euro area and EU27

In July 2012, compared with June 2012, the industrial producer price index1 rose by 0.4% in both the euro area2 (EA17) and the EU272. In June3 prices fell by 0.5%...

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McDonald's opens vegetarian fast food restaurants

McDonald’s, the US-based hamburger chain, is to open its first ever vegetarian-only outlets in two Indian pilgrimage centres as it seeks to expand in a market where cows are sacred...

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The Sága Foods is expanding its product range with prune silk ham

One of the largest Hungarian meat company, the Sága Foods Zrt. enters the market again with a brave innovation in September: with the 100g packages, special prune silk ham. The...

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The range of the Hungarian Quality Product Award will be expanded with Green walnuts

Our grandmothers still knew that nuts are healthy and delicious even when they are green. They found out a recipe where the green nuts turn black and anyone can eat...

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Wine festival in Nagykanizsa

Wine and dödölle festival will be held in Nagykanizsa. At the two-day event amateur and professional teams will cook regional foods and at the harvest parade, stilts, cheerleaders and folk...

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Lidl: new campaign with a new partner

Lidl chose its new strategic communications partner, instead of the usual tendering model via chemistry meetings. After the meetings, Lidl found the Carbon Group as the most suitable to plan...

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KSH: the volume of exports increased by more than 9 percent in June

The foreign trade turnover also expanded in June. The volume of imports by 9.3 the volume of exports increaserd by 4.0 percent compared to a year earlier – the Central...

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The proportion of Hungarian products increased in the stores of Lidl

Over the past five years, Lidl has increased the proportion of Hungarian products in its 153 domestic outlets from 34 to 52 percent and the number of Hungarian products continues...

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Less companies go for cafeteria-packages

Following a stagnation of the previous three months, the amount of companies offering a set of fringe benefits have declined. In the coming year the domestic SMEs is less than...

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The manufactoring of plastics can bring a new sugar factory

The Rural Development Ministry is thinking about the production of environmentally friendly plasic made ​​of polylactic acid. The idea can boost the production of sugar beet and can generate the...

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Baromfi Coop inaugurated the new hatchery in Petneháza

The Baromfi Coop Kft.  dealing with breeding of poultry hatchery and feed manufacturing inaugurated its new hatchery on Monday, in Petneháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The new unit of the company belonging...

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The food price increase reaches Slovakia

Because crop failures caused by the drought and due to world market price increases a significant food price increases can be expected in Slovakia in the next few months –...

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Gamay Summer closes during the weekend

This summer’s Gamay series of events closes with wine and gastronomy festival as well as with arts and crafts fair in Sopron from Friday until Sunday. Rigler Zsolt main organizer,...

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The MNG Extra Borterasz to be restarted

The Extra Wine Terrace of the National Gallery awaits the visitors with revised program structure from Friday: The Hungarian National Gallery’s (MNG) monthly staged museum evenings will set focus on...

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Twenty hectoliters of Capuccino in honor of Julius Meinl

Bartenders in the capital of Croatia – Zagreb – made the largest cup of cappuccino in the world: 2 012 litres. This achievement became the first record in this category...

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New leader at Zimbo Perbál

Attila Horváth, the CEO of Zimbo Perbál has left the company on 31st August 2012. The new CEO is Jens Hillebrand from 1st September, who learned the trade in Germany,...

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